Chapter 4

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"Hey baby, almost ready to go?" The very next day Frank is doing his best to execute Mikey's Master Plan, acting like he doesn't care that Pedicone could walk in at any moment and see Frank bent over Gerard's shoulder to wipe crumbs off the table that's virtually bare of food, or hand Gerard his refill and brush their hands together, wink at him when he walked into the back room to get some more of that Blonde Roast everyone seemed to love.

"Hm?" Frank replies distractedly. He rolls his gaze lazily from Gerard to Pedicone, as though he didn't care and Pedicone was just another customer taking his time away from watching Gerard. "Oh, it's you." Pedicone bites his lip and sets his jaw.

"I asked if yo were almost ready to go, Frankie." Frank wants to wrinkle his nose at the pet name, so he does.

"Er, yeah. Sure. Ten more minutes, Pedicone." The taller man stomps off, throwing a grumpy, "I'll be waiting," over his shoulder. Frank ignores it and watches the clock tick to eight thirty before he clocks out, changes and plops down in a chair next to Gerard.

"Hey." Gerard jumps slightly and smiles shyly.

"Oh, uh... Hi," Frank grins cheekily at him.

"Are you busy on Saturday?" Gerard has to blink a few times before he looks over his shoulder at Pedicone's who's waiting by the door, watching Frank and Gerard with a glare.

"Aren't you and him, uh...?" Frank waves his hand and leans forward across the table, setting his hand on Gerard's to whisper in Gerard's ear,

"I'm gonna break up with him anyway, since he's obviously not working in making you jealous.@ Gerard blushes deep red.

"O-oh. Um. Yeah. I can. Saturday?" Frank smiles and pulls back.

"You can leave work with me, then. I'll see you around...?" Gerard blinks again.

"Oh! Gerard. My name is Gerard." Frank smiles.

"Frank. See you Saturday, cutie."


Frank is shocked and somewhat scared. Pedicone had taken him back to his apartment, frank didn't have his phone, he had left it at work in his pants there. He lifted a hand to his cheek and stared at Pedicone.

"Wh-wha...?" He chokes out. The forced of the slap had spun him around, into a table, and he fell, bring a chair down with him. Pedicone clenches and unclenches his fist.

"You're not gonna be a little slut and hit on anymore guys." It wasn't a question. Frank swallows hard. His voice is failing him. Pedicone pulls him up by his hair and backs him against a wall. "Right, Frank?" He hisses. Frank whimpers and nods.

"Y-yeah." Pedicone lets go of him and Frank drops to his knees. Pedicone leaves him there, crying, and Frank hears the front door slam before he's all alone in his little, empty apartment.

Step Four: Tell Mikey and Ask For Help

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2013 ⏰

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