CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Identity Revealed

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After quite some time doing their best to move around carts, sidestep people who had no intention of deviating from the direction they were heading in, and dissuading vendors who were particularly determined to ensnare passersby to purchase their wares, Sirius, Teri, Ezra and Zeb had reached their destination.

The Rusty Tankard, the neon sign above the door read.

Although Ezra was used to the hot summers months on Lothal, it didn't compare to the extreme heat of Rhea's triple sun even in the slightest. Walking into the significantly cooler, draftier air of the cantina Sirius and Teri had led them to was a welcome respite.

The place wasn't as dodgy as Ezra had expected it would be. It was relatively clean, and, despite the fact that the inside of the building was painted a dark brown, it was well lighted and not at all menacing. The light from little slots in the walls caught on bits of colored glass and shiny metal hanging from the ceiling, and the curtain they had passed through on their way in was made of wooden beads, feathers and long grass.

"The locals sure like color," he thought aloud.

Teri smiled. "That they do. Something about bright colors attracting friendly spirits, I think. There's a similar belief back home on Onderon."

Next, Ezra looked at the people hanging around the room. It seemed like there was at least one of every species he could name, and even a few he couldn't. And they were all talking, laughing, and drinking.

"Maddox likes to hang out at one of the tables there-ish," Sirius said, gesturing in one direction. "You'll find him, or at least you'll find Kilindi. I'm going to get a drink. Also, don't ask if she's pregnant. In the past couple of weeks, it's become the easiest way to piss her off."

"Wait, is she...?" Teri began, but Sirius was already gone.

Weaving around a very animated group of Zyggerians engaged in a game of sabacc, Teri headed for the far end of the place. But before he could get too far, a call cut through the din:

"Lux Bonteri, you old rascal!"

Lux turned towards the origin of the sound, his eyes lighting up as they found the tall figure of a visibly pregnant female Nautolan draped across one side of a booth. "Hi, Kilindi," he said, walking over.

Ezra nodded to Zeb, and together they followed him.

"I don't believe me eyes," she called as he reached her side. "What the hell took you so long? Haven't seen your sorry ass 'round here in moons!"

"Yeah, well, the meet-up's only in another few months."

"But that doesn't obligate you to stay away the rest of the time," the woman called Kilindi told him, her tone affectionately reproachful. "You should come visit us more often." Then she appeared to notice Ezra and Zeb standing a respectful few steps away. "So. Who are these guys?"

"Members of the Ghost crew – one of the rebel cells I work with. They're mostly active in the Lothal sector."

"Hi. I'm Ezra, and this is Zeb," Ezra said, smiling.

She smiled back, blinking her large eyes lazily. "Kilindi Maakato. What's your business here on Rhea? It's pretty far off the beaten trail, and as far as I know, you rebels like stay where the Imps are causing problems."

"We're getting some intel from Rex and the guys, and maybe some of the other groups of clones in the area if possible. And Maddox, if everything works out." Teri chuckled, sitting down next to her. "Speaking of Maddox, you seen him around anywhere?" he asked.

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