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Sarah's P.O.V
After hearing what he call me every day I just put my head down and walked behind Mia as we walked to our seats in the home room. Like every morning I wished it would go quickly but because I have terrible luck it went as slow as it possibly could. Everyone around us spoke among then selves and as me and Mia just wrote notes for our next class. Finally the bell rang and we zoomed out the class room. As I got out the door I was tripped and I went flying into the lockers across the hall. Mia quickly ran to my side. I looked up and saw James, Zach and robin laughing an pointing at my limp body on the floor. (My brother is a year older but he got kept down so his in my grade). I huffed.
" oh my gosh Sarah are you okay??" Mia gasped in my ear. I nodded in response.
She helped me up and we went to English she had her arms under mine to keep me up. When we reached English we went and sat down her helping me of course.
"Good morning class" mr green greeted the class cheerfully.
We all replied with the normal hi sir or the occasional morning from some of the boys. We started the class and the time flied by. And before we knew it, it was time to go home.
Thank god.....
"Hey Mia do you want to sleep over tonight? Tomorrow is a student free day!" I asked hopeful
" yeah of course I will quickly ring mum and see!" She replied happily.
She eagerly pulled out her phone and rang her mum a few words were exchanged an then she said goodbye and hung up.
"Well??" I asked worried
"She said yes!" She screamed!
We smiled and hugged. "Well we are about the same size in clothes so you can borrow mine" I said as we walked home seeing as my brother left me at school.
We talked all the way home laughing and giggling. As we reached my house I heard two males laughing in the kitchen. We looked at each other confused and I slowly unlocked the door and walked in with Mia hot on my heels. I got to the wall near the kitchen and I peaked around the corner to see just my idiot of a brother and James...
I looked back to mia and gave her a look of its fine lets go! She understood and we went straight up to my room. We quickly chucked our bags on my desk chair. An then we slumped on my bed.
"So" Mia started "who do you like you have never told me?"
"Haven't I told you yet" I asked and she shook her head no " oh I thought I had I like James you know the jerk that picks on me yeah him" I said while playing with the corner of my green pillow.
" really that's kinda cute I guess" she laughed making me laugh.
I heard foot steps running down the stairs a bit after we started laughing. We stopped and looked at each other.
" you don't think?" I started
" I do" she replied
We both shot up from the bed and ran down stairs to hear my brother telling James that I like him and all I heard from James was.
" eww that four eyes, your sister likes me hahahaha ewwww" he laughed and said with a disgusted tone.
My face instantly went more pale then normal and I went in to shock. He knows my crush knows I like him and he thinks I am disgusting. Tears poured from my eyes and I bolted upstairs with Mia again right on my heels. When we hit my room my face fell to my pillow and I cried while mia tried to calm me down with soothing words. But it didn't help.
" I..I am .. So s..s..sorry ..that you ....had to see that Mia" I breathed out after crying for about two hours.
"Hey it's okay your my best friend of course I'm going to comfort you especially when it comes to things like this" she replied still rubbing my back.
I smiled and stood up quickly telling her that I was just going to have a shower. She nodded and pulled up my laptop.

I shock my head and walked to the bathroom to take a shower I heard the water already running so I just waited outside. About ten minutes later the door flung open reviling a half naked James he had a towel rapped around his waist and his not perfectly toned chest was on display his hair was still wet and dripping down his face and back. I tried to pull my eyes away from his face but I just couldn't I didn't know how. I was in a trance until I heard a very beautiful voice speak to me.
He said " i still can't believe someone as disgusting as you can like me and think that you have a chance think again nerd" he laughed and walked past it bumped my shoulder making me step back slightly.
I tried to shake it off as I walked into the bathroom to take a long warm shower to get my head together.
I was deep in thought about everything life, or the fact that the guy I have liked for about seven months now knows that I like him and is being more of a dick then usual.
But the I heard The sweet calming voice of my mother telling me to hop out so she can say hello. I quickly got out and dried and grabbed a shirt and shorts from my draw in the bathroom I quickly slide my undies and pjs on and got out after putting my hair in a ponytail.
As soon as I opened the door my mother pulled me into a tight hug. My mum is my best friend she has light reddish hair and she has olive skin with freckles but her eyes were a slight darker green. She's beautiful she had glasses but got contacts she said I can get them in two months..
"Hey mum" I smiled at her
" hi baby girl, how was your day?" She replied after she let me go
" well school was alright apart from he fact I got pushed into The lockers and that Zach was listening into mine an mias conversation tonight and he told the guy I like that I like him and he keeps telling me I am disgusting and I am a nerd. So my day was crap yours?" I replied crossing my arms around my boobs.
" it could of been better the boss was on my back all day" she replied as we reached my room. Mia walked out and hugged my mum hello and they had. Short conversation before Mia went back to my bed.
" well it's almost 9pm so you kids better get some sleep soonish okay" my mum laughed as she went down stairs.
I lied back on my bed next to Mia after closing my door and turning The light off. We talked until the sun rised and the we both laughed and gasped seeing as we didn't get any sleep we made the decision to sleep. And that what we did.
I am so happy she helped me get my mind off James for a few hours. But there's always tomorrow for it to hit me again.!

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