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(This chapter is the start of the actually story I left one or two cules on who would appear in the rest of the story with an important role. Hint: names)

Mikio's POV

I had been living here in Z city for three years now I guess you could say my life was peaceful. I've graduated high school after successfully being adopted by a nice woman in her Forties but when I had gotten home she had introduced me to the rest of my new family, all of the children Mama had weren't hers the were adopted and taken in off the streets to later work at a brothel she had Owens here in the red light district and if any of us didn't want to work for money and still get meals everyday from Mama she would let us go but she wouldn't stop calling us her children all of us were her's and Mama is one of the best people I've ever met and I'm glad she found me.

Mama was the first person I had met when I had first gotten here to Z city at fifteen after the 'incident' I've moved on but when I got here I was looking for work going back to school would be a waist is what I said but when I met Mama for a job she told me one thing that stuck with me "A uneducated virgin is bad but and uneducated whore is worse so which are you?" At the time I didn't know how to answer the question and so I went to school.

One of my 'sisters' at the brothel she had been here for a very long time she no longer served but she had successfully gotten married and had a happy, poorer but very happy life. Mama was very respected and she was treated well here in the red light district but you couldn't say the same about Us her children if she hadn't branded us most of us wouldve been kidnapped by dirty thugs in an ally. The branding on us was burned into our skin after we are taken in. A large cursive M is put on our area of choice then we are sent on our way to live how we please under Mama's roof until she let's us go or if someone requests us.

Being a fresh graduate no customers have actually seen me. This once again was done for my safety because Mama doesn't want her children to get hurt they don't work until they are eighteen years of age. I hadn't made any friends during my last years of school. As a third year I was almost tempted to bed by an underclassmen but if Mama had found out that I had been tainted further she wouldn't let me work when I graduate. So I spent my school time teasing others shamefully but wouldn't cross the line of any for of relationship.

Today was my day I could finally start working. Walking into the downstairs dressed in my best clothes Mama called to me. "Mi-chan come here"she smiled widely at me and her voice was gentle. I made my way towards her my white hair had a gold clip in it to hold my bangs up out of my face so everyone could see my face clearly. My face was still very child like and my golden eyes had gained their shine once again. Mama said my eyes would get me a lot of business because my eye lashes were long and my eyes were large but the best thing was the color Gold that sparkles even in the dimest light.

"Everyone I'd like you to meet our newest addition to the Den my child Mikio he is very small and fragile but as a young man he will do his best so please if you would like to request him, he starts serving tomorrow" Mama's voice rang out and I felt my hands get sweaty 'I was anxious it had been awhile since I was held so I would have to prepared myself for tomorrow' the quite room was an opening for me to speak "Hello everyone I can't wait to service whoever requests me tomorrow" I couldn't hold back my excitement as I talked into the microphone my voice sultry and my eyes clouded just the thought made a fire ignite in my body. And I'm sure everyone it the room had realized my worth 'I am ment to be a whore' it was where I belonged pleasuring myself until I can no longer think and in the long run only being able to survive with it craving to be ravished and dirtied. If Mama only knew the type of person she really brought into her home.

Next day

I had be requested by five people anonymously I was to met them at the address that was left. Most of the places I were to met were close so I wouldn't have to be driven but the last request was far away and do name was written but the location of this place was in the much richer area of Z city with less drug addicts and a lot more thugs and a high class hamza family. Takeshi is my body guard and diver so that Mama can keep all her children safe in case the area is dangerous. Takeshi walked with me To the love hotel three blocks away from Mama's Den and the closer we got the anticipation grew my body had warmed and the slightest touch of direct skin would be my end I would collapse to the ground a dirty mess of lust.

Though I craved so many things the first four jobs were nothing none of them were outstanding and the amount of dirty old men made me want to vomit. Takeshi was now driving me to my last one for the day " Takeshi one of the men didn't even touch me he just gave me clothes to model" I sighed telling Takeshi my problems and he just 'hmped' than looked at me through the mirror "It couldn't have been that bad I did have to carry you to the car" Mikio sighed "Vibrators are the devil" he said looking out the tinted window.


They had arrived at the last stop a relatively large mansion that seemed to loom over a large gate in front of it.
Two men in suits walked up to the gate opening it and then Takeshi had driven Mikio through the gate. Mikio stepped out of the car with a look of awe. Then he looked at the men that opened the gate. "So Who is doing my ass today?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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