Letters to Jace

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Hi, how are you? It's been weeks since I last talked to you. I'm sorry I'm not one for small talks, I like big meaningful talks. Besides you are far too mysterious and extraordinary for me to bore you with my hellos, and eat your breaksfasts. You want to know what I want to talk to you about? You, I want to talk about you, I want to see YOU. I want to know you beyond your usual sentences, your breakfast, your polite good mornings and hi's, I wanna know what makes you tick, I want to know your dreams, your disappointments, your failures, I want to know YOU. The REAL you, not the person you put up as a front in public. I want to go deeper than the normal how have you beens, I want to FEEL you, what are you feeling? are you in love? Are you happy? Are you in pain? Are you grieving? Scared? Excited? Confused? Tell me. I wanna know what you need aside from air, water and the basic essentials, I want to know you besides you having an anxiety attack whenever you're excited. Besides knowing how angelic your voice is, how you are a sapeosexual, how a sucker you are for long sweet messages, how loyal you are and how much you wanted to help other people. I Need to know what oceans you have swam, mountains you've climbed. I wanna know what disappointments you have experienced. What are your sorrows? Your fears? What are you passionate about? Do you wanna travel? Do you wanna fly? Do you wanna explore the Galaxy? I want to hear them. I want to know your SOUL. Will you let me? And this, this is my most coveted secret. This has been one of my longing, to FEEL you, to know you. Why do I waste so much time and effort in making this messages? Because you. are. worth. it. And me? What I want is for you to see it. I want you to know that you will always matter to me. I respect you. I adore you. But remember that I won't put you in a pedestal just to see you fail and hate you if you Were not the woman I envisioned you as. Instead I would hold your hand and help you climb the stairs and I'll stand back and watch you as you take what's yours, you'll be standing tall like the regal queen that you are while the whole world is lying at your feet. Because you? You are dauntless, you are fierce, you are powerful, you are amazing, you have the fire of the sun blazing in your eyes with determination. You are simply imperfectly perfect. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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