10 fact challenge

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So, I was nominated by wolf_girl_4ever to do the ten facts challenge. I guess you have to tell ten facts about yourself? Does that sound right? Supposedly, if you don't do it in a weeks time, you'll be punished. So here goes.

1. My name is not Sylvia, in fact. People call me Lizzie.

2. My favorite author of all time is probably Christopher Paolini.

3. I first started writing when I was ten, four years ago.

4. I am the oldest of six.

5. I love patriotic country music.

6. My favorite band might be either Fallout Boy, or the Rascal Flatts.

7. Science fiction and fantasy is life.

8. I have, like, 30 OTPs, enough ships for an armada.

9. I prefer dogs over cats.

10. My five favorite books are: Orphan Queen, Eragon, The Queens Poisoner, The Curse of the Spider King, and The Son of Neptune.

I nominate:

To the challenge.

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