Chapter 7

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I'M REALLY SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN AGES I've had so much work and exams

But I'm on holiday now for 2 weeks so I promise regular updates:)

Anyway chapter 7... THE DATW

Please vote + let me know what you think in the comments section

I love getting comments lol


Btw for the person who asked my twitter is @lxuisandluke and @5sosalerts


Luke grabbed my hand and we made our way outside.

'Um... I'm afraid it's a bit of a walk.' He said sheepishly, looking at me.

'It's ok I don't mind! I bet the city is really pretty at night. Let's have a wander.' I smiled back at him, and I lay my head against his shoulder as we made our way through the maze of buildings and bright lights. Dark silhouettes lined the alleyways, and I felt Luke's gripped tighten whenever we passed the especially dark streets.

'So you really liked the show then?' He asked, biting his lip, his cute blue eyes looking straight into mine. He reminded me of a little boy looking for assurance that he was doing the right thing.

'Honestly, it was probably the best concert I've ever been to.' I replied, taking my head off his shoulder to return his gaze. For a moment we stood there, looking into each other's eyes, Luke still biting his lip, then he placed his free arm around my waist and pulled me in so that our face were only a couple of inches away. I could hear his heartbeat thumping slight faster than normal, still slower than mine. Carefully, he pushed my hair behind my ears and pressed his lips softly against mine. It wasn't like our first kiss which had been hot and rough, it was delicate and sweet, making my heart flutter and forcing a smile to my lips.

'I love you.' He whispered, and the words sounded so good when he said them; it was the first time I had heard him say these words.

'I love you too.' I whispered back, instantly biting my tongue as sirens went off in my head, reminding me of the last person who I had said that to.

But Luke didn't allow me to dwell on it. Suddenly he pulled away from our embrace and turned around, offering his arms behind his back.

'Piggyback?' He grinned michieviously, turning his head to lock my gaze.

Laughing, I hopped on, and as soon as he was sure that I was secure, he sped off through the streets of Sydney, laughing and cheering and wooping.

'And it's team Hemmings and Smith speeding through! Can the win the cup?' He yelled both of us cheering, adrenalin searing through our bodies, cheeks flushed from the cold wind.

When we eventually arrived outside Nandos, I jumped off Luke's back still laughing, and he bent down to kiss me quickly before taking my hand and leading me through the doors.

'Table for two please.' He asked the waittress politely, who returned the request by looking up at Luke from under her eyelashes and playing with a lock of her bleach blonde hair, sending a pang of jealousy through me body. The waitress was very pretty, and her black skirt was so short, it more ressembled a belt than a skirt.

But when I looked up at Luke, he was looking at me, not her, and as we made eye contact he squeezed my hand, and led me through the maze of tables and chairs to a secluded bench as the back of the restaurant.

'Is there anything else I can do for you?' She asked in a shrill voice, directing the question at Luke.

'Um yeah. We'll get drinks. What do you want Katie?'

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