Chapter 9

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'I love you too Luke.' I whispered into his heaving chest, as he pulled me into a loving hug, contrasting the rough kissing which had just taken place.

'So what now?' I grinned up at him.

Luke looked down at me, his blue eyes shining bright despite the darkness surrounding us, his big hair, surely too big for a quiff, making him seem 10ft taller than he already was.

'Up to you.' he smirked, eyes twinkling mischievously.

'Luke!' I exclaimed punching him lightly in the shoulder, knowing immediately what that twinkle in his eye meant.

'Hey, hey! Come on I was kidding! I told you I don't have sex on first dates.' he chuckled lightly, and I wondered curiously whether it had been a joke or not.

'Hmmm. I could ring the boys and we could all come round mine and watch a film together?' he suggested, searching my eyes for agreement.

Damn his neck must be starting to really ache having to look down so much to me.

'Sounds great!' I smiled.

'Although... I'm not sure I'm that keen on sharing you tonight. Just you and me then?' he bit his lip shyly.

'Even better!' I laughed, and grinning he offered me his hand, and we made our way through the dimly lit late night streets of Sydney.

*Luke's POV*

She was so beautiful. Not beautiful like a model, because that would be boring. No. She was enchanting in the way that her blonde hair reached her waist and her blue eyes matched the colour of the sea on a bright summers day. The way that her face lit up when she laughed, and the way that she squeezed her bottom lip together with her fingers when she was nervous.

I couldn't help but find everything about her mesmerising, she just had a way about her.

Oh my god I sound like Michael did when he met Savannah.

*Katie's POV*

'Luke. Luke!' I nudged him out of his trance, and his eyes suddenly widened, and he shook his head, bringing himself back to reality.

'You were daydreaming.' I laughed as he smiled and raised his eyebrows, embarrassed. 'What were you thinking about?' I asked curiously.

'Nothing!' he defended quickly, squeezing my hand, and quickly changing the conversation. 'So um. How are you liking Australia?'

'Well I miss England. I never thought I'd say that. But I love it here. I really love it. I've always wanted to come to Australia.' I relied thoughtfully.

Eventually we reached Luke's house and he guided me through the door and into his house. The smell reminded me of a mixture between the sea and hairgel, and I smiled at the strange familiarity of it all.

'Everyone's out so we've got the place to ourselves. Hmmm what film should we watch?' he said, plonking himself down next to a cabinet full to burst of DVDs, running his finger along the spines of the various titles.

'You chose. We're in your house.' I said smiling, cocking my head to one side as I watched him.

'Im really bad at choosing though.' he pouted. 'Come on, we'll chose together.' he suggested, offering out his hand to me, which I took and consequently joined him on the floor.

Joining him next to the cabinet enlightened me to the fact that only 2/3 of what I had originally thought were DVDs were in fact Playstation and XBOX games. I giggled.

'What?' Luke bit his lip and looked at me with sparkling eyes.

'This is clearly a boys house. How many brothers do you have?' I laughed.

'2! They're both older though so they don't stay here much. But I made them give me all their games in exchange for me not telling mum that I caught them smoking.' he smirked, much to my amusement.

'That's evil! Clever though... No sisters then?'

'Nope. Just the 3 of us and my mum.' he replied. 'Anyway we still need to chose a film!'

'Hmmm... how about a horror? It's nearly Halloween.' I suggested.

Luke fidgeted nervously.

'Um... sure I guess.' he replied.

'Hey you're not scared are you?' I teased incredulously. 'Come on you'll have me.' I reassured him as he begrudgingly pulled out an old dusty DVD from the back of the cabinet, clearly one which hadn't been used in years, if ever.

'Jack bought this when I was younger and was going to make me watch it. But I er...'


'I went crying to mum. She grounded him for a week. She knew how scared I was of them. I watched one when I was 5 and I had nightmares for weeks. Why am I telling you this.'

'Thats so cute! Your brother is cruel!' I laughed, imagining a 5 year old Luke.

'Tell me about it.' he groaned, putting the DVD into the television, and joining me in the sofa.

As the film started he draped his arm casually around my shoulders, and I relaxed into the crook underneath his arm so that his chin was resting on my head.

The film was weird, very weird. I didn't get it at all. Luke tensed every now and then at a particularly scary part, and every time he did so I squeezed his knee to make sure he was alright.

He kept his right arm tight around me throughout the whole film, his left hand wandering to stroke my hair half way through. I would have given anything to stay like that forever.

Eventually the credits rolled and the film was over, and I tilted my head up to meet Luke's gaze and he smiled down at me.

'Did you enjoy it?' I queried

'Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.' he winked. Then he sighed heavily.


'Its 11pm. I should probably take you home.' he groaned.

'I don't mind staying here.' I giggled, snuggling into his chest even more.

'I wouldn't mind you staying either. But I don't want your mum thinking that I've kidnapped you on our first date.' he smiled cheekily as a made a face at him. With a big sigh he pulled us both up and led me out of the door as he had done earlier, but then he had been leading me in.

He grabbed the door of a small red Ford and opened it, motioning for me to climb in.

'Nuh uh. I live 20 minutes away. I can walk on my own.' I protested.

With that he hoisted my up in his strong arms, completely catching me off balance and set me down on the passenger car seat with a smug smile, then jumped in the other side.

'Its 11pm. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you walk home in the pitch black on your own?' he grinned as he took hold of the steering wheel and started the car up.

Boyfriend? It wasn't the first time he had referred to himself as my boyfriend, but an electric shiver ran through my body every time.

The car journey consisted of us talking about anything and everything. I felt so comfortable around Luke, it was like we were two jigsaw pieces and slotted together perfectly, like... soul mates?

We connected more than I had ever connected with anybody else in my life, and we understood each other perfectly . And I was the happiest I had ever been.


sorry I've not updated in ages I've been busy 😁

I'll start updating more regularly I promise

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