Chapter 13: An Unforgettable Memory

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WHOA!!! ;O I so didn't expect to write this much or think this would be the direction where I'll write this story!! This is gonna be a BIG FAT chapter!! So read read read until your eyes bleed! (Ew, wait nevermind! O.O) I took a lot of time to write this one. Hopefully you guys like it! I would also like to thank everyone for voting, commenting, and liking this story! I'm so happy! I love my fans! I don't take my fans for granted! Each fan mean so much to me! I always reply back! So thanks everyone!! ;D

ALSO! If you haven't re-read Chapter 11, you need to because I edited it a lot! You'll miss out if you didn't read it! It's important! You'll understand more, and it'll make more sense! :)


Chapter 13 : An Unforgettable Memory

Joslyn's POV

I walked out of the lunch room without looking back. Maybe she'll know how mad I am. I've been waiting for her to tell me what has been happening since that Xaiver guy came into the picture. There's something she's not telling me. I don't know why she would hide it from me. We were friends, right? Were.

The day ended as I stepped in the bus. Finally got home as I opened the door. I avoided Clarity the whole day. I just got tired of not knowing anything. I looked at my phone and it seemed like a bunch of texts and missed calls. Why bother? She didn't bother to tell me anything. Ok, you might think I'm being a stubborn friend, right? It's not exactly like that. Clarity would be the one to keep things to herself. I sometimes would have to dig it out of her. It's kind of always been like that. I knew she had a hard life, but was hesitant to tell me. Even though we've been friends since grade school. What? You don't think friends can last forever? I do. Ah heck, who believes in BFF? It should've been BFFOFAST = Best Friends Forever Only For A Short Time. Get it? BFF? Oh, that was FAST. Ironic, huh?

Clarity's POV

I threw my lunch away as I headed to my next class. I went to my locker hoping maybe Joslyn would pop up anytime. Nothing. No happy voice yelling my name from her. I walked to Art class. Woo. The class that...ugh, you know.

Mrs. Bowel walks in and stands against a counter. "Ok class! Today is..." She drums her hands on the front counter like there's some big news awaiting. "...FRIDAY! So yup! Finish up today and you'll start painting next Monday!" She happily walks smiling on her way to her desk as if she woke up on the good side of the bed. You know those movies that have a cheesy, over-excited, and you-can-be-anything-you-want-if-you-believe teacher? Yep. Mrs. Bowel is one of them. Most cases they are drama teachers that teach students to become more weird. Quite annoying. This one, is an Art teacher who believes the world is beautiful, even when all the ugly, corrupted crap has splashed all the pretty, bright colors to an evil, dark black that can't be erased. That's the world. Or I guess, the people in the world.

I stared at my drawing. I wonder why she only gave us a week to finish a drawing that we are to come up ourselves. So far, I sketched the girl from her head to mid-waist. I already shaded her hair. I colored in her eyes but left a little white circle for a sparkle in her pupils. Her hair is lengthen all the way down to her mid-waist. Her shirt has short sleeves with a v-neck. I just needed to place something on her shirt. Maybe some cool design. I started doodling some random tree branches and a few flowers stuck to the branches with some leaves falling in mid-air for some effect. I already detailed the silver heart locket necklace around her neck. I choose to not color my drawing. I never really liked to color my drawings in the past. Why? Because I feel that if it is colored, it kind of loses it's originality and meaning. You might disagree with me. That's just what I feel.

I was so focused on my drawing, I forgot who was sitting next to me. The left of me. I notice he was staring at me. Maybe I was too lost in my drawing world for me to notice he was staring at me for quite a long time. I looked up to face him. "What?"

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