{2} Drunk

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In which Jason is the only one sober, both mentally and physically.


"Well... I would've preferred art but music is okay I guess...." Seto continued drearily.
"We've also got this lesson together! So let's go!"
Ty dragged Seto to the third music room. "Well. This is the music room for our lessons."
"Meh. There isn't enough instruments n' stuff. I have more at home." Seto looked around with a bored expression on his face.
"Like what?" Ty asked.
"Piano, Gitaur, Flute.... I could mention more but you don't really care, do you?" Ty ignored the last part. He smiled.


Jason sighed. Sky and Ty were staring at eachother, and Seto was chugging his seemingly (and probably) endless bottle of water like it was alcohol from one of those crappy two-pint beer jugs, his book long forgotten and covered in saliva and a strange pinkish liquid strewn over it, pages soaked to the spine. He buried his face into his hands. "Why do I have to put up with this?"
Sky turned around, ignoring Ty's gleefully slurred shout of "I won," and said:
"Cauz yuur ouuur fraaaaand, Ggayysson!"

Ha! You just said GAY!"

Thank god he was in different afternoon classes to those idiots.


"Still drunk?" Ty asked.
Seto shook his head drowsily.
"I'm not drunk!... I'm...in... into... intocksikattiid."
Ty sighed. "That's he same thing, now c'mon, we have art now."

Needless to say, Seto was good at art when drunk. But he also took things waaay to seriously.

Ty's never going to tell him to 'draw me like one of your French girls,' ever again.

At least he got to keep the painting? And the teacher was confused and impressed at the same time. Seto didn't even have the dignity to try and add clothes onto the picture afterwards. Ty would be in a deep, stinky pile of crap if his dad ever found the picture, the irritating prickly bastard.

And he honestly wasn't surprised with what happened the next morning.


"Seto?" Ty asked, scratching his neck and picking up Seto's book.
"Hm?" Seto replied, not getting out of his bed.
"Why is your book covered in beer and slobber?" Seto's eyes widened.

"And why are we butt naked in your bed?"

"Shut up. I don't wanna know."


"Thanks, I guess, for cleaning my book, Ty, but, seriously, screw you all."

"Eh??" Was the reply everyone sober in the room screamed (ie. Jason, Ty and whoever the hell was eavesdropping today.)

"HOW COULD YOU BE SO HURTFUL!???" Screamed Sky. Obviously still drinking.

"How did you get alcahol anyway, aren't we too young?" The Voice of Reason asked.

"Seto majikkeddddddeded it." Sky, ever the smart one, answered.

"And speaking of you, Seto, where the hell were you and Ty last night??"

Seto blushed and Ty giggled.

"I wonder what that means...."

Team Crafted In Highschool {SetoLox and SkyMU}Where stories live. Discover now