{1} Seto (Edited 6/3/2017)

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Seto flicked his hands upwards, the flow of the waterfall changed. He smiled, I'm finally getting the hang of this.
He flicked his hands left and down, the water piled on top of a bush before cascading off with force. Seto enjoyed playing around with magic.

"Set!" His friend, Ty, yelled. No one knows Seto's real name - people just call him Seto, or Set, like Ty- which apparently suddenly makes him the most mysterious person in the world, well, that's how other people see it. People do think he's mysterious, very much so, but he's definitely not the most mysterious person in the world; people, without realising it, knew alot about him already. They were just to stupid to realise it.

"Hm?" Seto hummed in reply, brushing his curly, brown hair out of the way of his pale face, not that anyone could see his face to know that he did. Ty began his idle chat with Seto, who listened attentively, enjoying the small level of conversation they we're having.

"Well, it's your first day of school tomorrow, do you want to hang out with me and my friends at lunch?" Ty asked hopefully. Seto concealed a smile with his cloak, then nodded. He then had an idea. Seto abruptly flicked his wrist sideways, and Ty fell over - instead of being angry or upset, he simply laughed it off and high five-d Seto; he was getting better at controlling his magic. Step furrowed his brow. What about tomorrow?


Jason studied his model spaceship. He thought it was pretty accurate. Smiling, Jason tugged his helmet off and ran down the stairs. He skidded outside and hurried to his and Sky's meeting place.

"Took you long enough, Ty got here before you." Sky commented.
"I was twenty seconds away from here, Sky." Ty reminded him.
"Well, I'm here now." Jason tried to break up an argument before it started.
"I suppose." Sky went on, "So, any news?"
Ty raised his hand. "Seto is going to school tomorrow."
Sky pulled down his shades. "Seto, the Seto, the mysterious Seto, is coming to our school?" Sky didn't belive him.
"If you don't belive me go and see, tomorrow."
The three continued their little talk about all things big and small. Sky sighed.
"What about tomorrow?"


It's tomorrow now, and instead of exited or happy or nervous, Seto is downright pissed, and for no apparent reason, too. Seto pulled his hood over his face, keeping it in place with his now stronger magic. He didn't want people seeing his face, he didn't even need to go to school. He just didn't want to upset people like Ty, his friends. See, he could be a social, totally-not-nerdy, person, he just didn't want to be. (Keep telling yourself that, Set, Ty would say).

He walked down the hallway, snatching an apple from the fruit basket. Seto began to eat the apple as he walked through the forest. If there was one thing to note about Seto, don't steal his apples, they were the best food he could get in the forest, as he wasn't too fond of meat. But that wouldn't mean had he didn't eat it. He just wasn't fond of eating small, and honestly stupid, deer (that would make him loose a few brain cells, they were mostly fat anyway, not like he cared.)

As Seto arrived at the school playground Ty attempted to tackle him, resulting in him faceplanting on the concrete, Seto apologised and healed the small bruise. "Anyways, Seto, my friends don't belive your here so can you come with me and prove them wrong?" Ty asked giddily. "Mmhmm." Seto nodded, following Ty whilst reading, and, honestly, not paying attention.
"Sky? Jason? Come here!" Two people shuffled over. "Belive me now?" Seto remained in a book-induced trance throughout all of this, reading through the pages word after word, somehow with out taking his hood off. The two stared at him, dumbfounded. Ty tried to carefully prise the book out of Seto's hands.

Seto hissed and threw Ty across the playground as soon as he made contact with the book. Ty stood up, legs shaking, rubbing his neck. "Never. Ever. Try to take my book." Seto warned, hissing again. The other three scratched the back of their necks, laughing nervously, vigorously nodding their heads.
"Great!" Seto smiled, ignoring his violent tone from before. "Bye!" He shouted to a dazed Ty, who nodded, still confused.

Seto ignored most of the days lessons- after all, he didn't need to go to school at all. And by the time it was lunch he was dying of boredom, anxious to find Ty and yell at him for making him join this school. And as soon as he spotted the poor headphone-wearing boy, he did just that- if leaping on top of him and whispering murder threats into his ear was 'yelling at him angrily' then he was.

After Ty dumped an entire bottles worth of water onto the caramel mop of Seto's hair he seemed to calm down, again ignoring the violent tone and threats he had just been throwing at his confused friend, however, pouring water onto his head only solved the problem for mere seconds, which meant that Ty had to think fast if he didn't want to be decapitated, literally.

"Relax, Seto." Ty began to grow worried, before something popped into his head. "Your next lesson is music!" He only prayed he was correct. Seto looked at his scedgule.
"Oh? So it is..."
Ty let out the breath he had been holding and smiled, clenching his fist happily. How lucky he was!

Phew! Okay so I just edited this a lil bit and I wanted the chapters to be longer than 200 words so this is 933 words minus the Authors Note you see here. NEXT CHAPTER WILL PROBABLY BE LONGER. Hopefully. I don't know why I put that in full caps. :D Bai!

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