Him, Me, and The Railroad Tracks

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   It’s amazing how far we’ve come.  We began as strangers passing each other by and now…  

Now it’s hard to believe that I could ever live without him.  His smile, his voice, I’ve grown to love

everything about him.  Not because I had to so that we could be together, but because he completes me.        

    Now I know those true love skeptics in their minds are calling me crazy and rolling their eyes, but

it’s true. Perfect love exists you’ve just got to find it and never let it go. When you do find love it can

hit you as hard as if you’ve just jumped into freezing water. Or, a better way of explaining it is getting

hit by a train while playing chicken. You can see it moving towards you, can feel the rumble of the

tracks under your feet. In the beginning you think you’ll be able to jump out of the way, be able to

leave at the perfect moment so that it can’t get you. But as it moves closer you can smell the

smoke in the air and you start to panic. You feet feel like their glued to the tracks then…  SLAM! It

bowls into you with so much force you think you’ve been blasted into the next millennia.      

     It’s kind of ironic, my train analogy because that’s where it all started.  The change that brought

me into new terrain.  The change that forced me to pick what I thought was wrong or right.  It

changed me in so many ways.  I grew into a new person and I’m thankful for that.  I’m thankful for it

even though there was a time when I thought everything was going to fall out from underneath me. 

And to think, it all started with him, me, and the railroad tracks.  

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