Chapter 7

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Cody took Kennie away from TC, Michael, Jordan, and I. “What where are you going both of you don’t leave me THE ONLY SANE ONE HERE IS JORDAN” Alice said.  “You got that right” TC said. Jordan and Michael started to laugh.

With Cody & Kennie……

“Where are we going?” Kennie asked. “Away from them I want to ask you something privately” Cody said. “Okay I think we are far enough away, What is it” Kennie asked. “Well…… remember when we used to almost hate each other and prank each other?” Cody asked. “Um… yeah… good old days” Kennie said. “Good? I actually wanted to tell you my feelings for you have changed” Cody said. “Is that bad?” Kennie asked. “You tell me” Cody said, taking both of Kennie’s hands and pulling her closer. He leaned into kiss her. “Kennie Fairlie, I think I love you” Cody said, kissing her. She didn’t have the urge to pull away. They were there for a while before Cody pulled away. “What?” Kennie asked. He smiled. “Do you think it’s a bad thing?” Cody asked. Kennie smiled then kissed his cheek. “No” She said. Cody took her hand and walked back to the group.

With the group….

“Can we leave?” Alice asked. “Can you stop complaining?” TC asked. “NEVER TELL A GIRL TO STOP COMPLAINING” Alice said kicking snow in his face. “Okay you are like 2 year olds cut the shit” Jordan said. “Sorry” TC and Alice said in unison.  “Stop copping me” They said to each other at the same time. “Your perfect for each other” Jordan said. “Shut up” They both said.  Michael, Cody, Kennie, and Jordan laughed.  “Guys don’t freak” Michael said.  “Can we leave I want to go back to the room” Alice said. “What about us” Kennie said referring to Michael Jordan and her.  “Can we just go indoors? We can all hang out in the lobby” Alice said. “Okay now where did we park that car?” Kennie asked. “Umm I don’t remember” Jordan said. “Push the button that makes the car make noises” Alice said. “What button is that?” Jordan asked. Alice took the keys from Kennie then pressed a button. “This button” Alice said. “OHHHHHH” Kennie said taking the keys back. They heard the car and walked to it. “Cody how did you get here” Jordan asked ” I got bored at home so I walked” Cody said. “Have fun walking home” Alice said getting into the car. “No don’t be mean Alice come on in Cody” Kennie said. Cody got in along with everyone else. Kennie got in the back “Whose going to drive?” Alice asked. “Kennie its your car”  Jordan said.  Michael gave Jordan a kiss on the cheek before they knew it, it was a full make-out session. Jordan pulled away. “Whats wrong babe?” Michael asked. “Something’s wrong Kennie hasn’t interrupted yet!” Jordan said. Michael pointed to Cody and Kennie making out.”How cute” Jordan said “Isn’t it peaceful?” Michael said. They went back to making out in the car. “Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…….” Alice said. “Are we leaving?”  TC asked. No one said a word. “Give me the keys” Alice said to Kennie. She reached in her butt pocket and threw Alice the keys not moving from Cody’s lips. Alice got out of the back and went to the front. Before she got there TC was about to open the door. “What the hell im driving” Alice said. “No im driving” TC said snatching the keys from Alice’s hands. “Ugh… just go to the back seat” Alice said trying to get the keys back. “No I don’t want to be the awkward one in the back not makin out with anyone” TC said. “You know what there are 2 front seats just sit in the passenger seat” Alice said. “No your sitting in the passenger seat, I’m driving” TC said. “I don’t trust you driving” Alice said getting the keys back. “Seriously you’re so immature. I’m a great driver” TC said. “NO… I want to drive” Alice said. “What  if I don’t trust you driving” TC said. “WELL I DON’T GIVE A SHIT! Im sick of you.” Alice said. She got past TC and got in the drivers seat. Alice quickly started the engine TC got in before she could drive away. “Don’t think your gonna get rid of me that easy” TC said.  They drove back to the hotel parked the car and got into the lobby.  They all sat down when Roxy and David arrived holding hands. “Whoa Whoa Whoa” TC said pointing at their hands. “ROXY” Kennie said seeing her for the first time this trip. “KENNIE” Roxy said. They caught up, when Drew and Sophia arrived. “Hola Mustaches”  Drew said. “Did Drew just call us mustaches?” Roxy asked. “Yes I think he did, by the way I’m Jordan” Jordan said.  “I’m Roxy, that’s Sophia, and that’s Drew” Roxy said. “Oh I know who drew is, He is one of Michael’s friends.” Jordan said. “Whose Michael?” Roxy asked. “That would be me” Michael said. “Oh hello” Roxy said.  They were all talking about random stuff when TC’s phone started to ring.

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