Date? SamxDom

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(skip to the circles if you don't want to hear me talk) First off ....I am so sorry but this might be the last. Last one. I will make another one short book but to say the truth I have not watched Sam's videos in awhile like maybe 4 months. I am so sorry. So um...if I get anything wrong please no hate. I did hear they did a kindergarten rp and Dom was in it won't match the story in anyway but I would like to think this will happen. Anyways happy reading!
Dom rushes around inside the empty class room, getting all the toy eating utensils and fake plastic cups and plates. He sets them on the tea party table. It was recess and everybody was outside playing, leaving Dom inside the room by himself. He was up watching a Disney movie last night about a frog prince and he was setting up a dinner for a girl he liked.

Dom got an idea from this. He had gotten some weird feelings for a boy in his class. His name was Sam, a boy who had the cutest bunny ears in the world and a beautiful smile. At first, he didn't like the feelings but he soon started wanting to show his affections for the other boy. He would push him around, giving what he thought was signs of showing his interest for him...that really didn't work out as Dom planned.

Yesterday, he had pushed Sam into the sand box and Sam ran home crying that day with his bestfriend Taurtis. Dom felt really bad about what he did that now he's actually trying to show his affections to Sam like the frog did to the frog he liked in the movie.

Dom was done sitting everything up and he rushed over to his backpack, taking out some bags of Doritos and a bottle of Mountain Dew that he got from the shop. He put some Doritos on the plastic plates and poured the mountain dew into the cups.

Taking a step back, Dom admired all the work and effort he had put into what he did. Quickly, Dom rushed out the class room and went outside and went looking for Sam at the playground. He soon found him playing on the swing set with Taurtis.

Dom walked over and Sam stops swinging and looks at Dom with fear. "Um....h-h....hi d-dom.." Sam whimpers out. Taurtis looks at Dom and gets in-between the two. "What do you want Dom?" Taurtis harshly says. "I just want to apologize to Sam..." Dom moved past Taurtis and grabs Sam's hand. He kisses it gently, causing Sam to blush slightly. "Sam I am so sorry for being mean to you...please let me make it up to you.." before Sam can say a single word Dom pulls him out the swing and pushes Taurtis down, picking up Sam carrying him bride style as he runs away inside to the class room.

Yells of Taurtis voice echoes through the school as Dom runs upstairs into the class room and sits Sam down gently on one of the plastic chairs. He goes to the door and locks it.

Dom walks back and sits down in the chair across from the other. Sam had still had alittle bit of pink on his cheeks. Looking at the set that was in front of him, Sam was impressed. " Dom...this is pretty sweet of you to do!..Heh" Dom blushes lightly at Sam's little comment. "Thanks um....S-Sam what I wanted to um...ask you um...w-will you m-mine...?" Dom struggles to get out looking down at the Doritos that was on his plate. Scared to look up at the boy he admired the most. Sam was confused. What did Dom mean by 'mine'?

Sam through about what Dom had said, still trying to figure out what he was talking about. He looked over at him and saw that he was looking if he was afraid of Sam saying no. Sam didn't want to see Dom sad.

"Dom... I'll be yours...Hehe" Sam giggles out. Dom looked up at him in surprised. He said yes! Dom thought. He got up from his chair and hugged sam "thank you, thank you, thank you! Sam you made me so happy!" Dom cheered out. Sam smiles and hugs the other back. Soon the both of them pull away from the embrace and Dom pecks Sam on his cheek leaving Sam to be a blushing mess.

"Hehe, so that's what you mean by 'mine' hehe" Sam giggles out. Dom smiles.

Little do they both know someone was at the other door, that Dom forgot to lock, watching the two. Taurtis watches the whole thing and felt a pain come from his chest when Sam was hugged and kissed by Sam. He frowns while quietly closing the door and walks back to the playground alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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Sam Gladiator x Taurtis  ONE SHORT (BoyxBoy) Where stories live. Discover now