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when I woke up, I knew that last night wasn't a dream. I opened my eyes and ricky was staring at me. He kissed me before going back to where he was.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asked

"Like offficially?" I asked

"Yes like official and it's exclusive,"

"Really omg?"

"Yes, I'll tweet about it right now! what's your personal?"

"it's @rileykatelol "

I got the notification.
'@RickyPDillon has mentioned you in a tweet.'
I clicked on the tweet and it read: hey guys! meet my new girlfriend Riley Kate :)
along with the selfie we took yesterday of him kissing my cheek.

I scrolled through comments of angry fangirls along with some that were genuinely nice, like she's pretty or you guys are cute!
i replied to a angry girl that said "this better be fake!!"
I said "nope! not fake want a video?"
she angrily said "yes! and tell ricky to tweet it to me!"
Ricky tweeted her a video of him telling me he loved me and kissing me.
She replied to the video with "LIFE GOALS"
he liked the tweet and then moved on.

"Let's go to the movies tonight!" he smiled.

"Okay!" I replied.

"What do you want to see?" he laughed.

"hmm...finding dory?!"

"I'm in!"

"Can the girls come too?"

"Yeah of course!"

"K I'll text them"

Riley: hey girllsss who wants to go see finding dory tonight with our new baes??
Everyone: MEEEE
Riley: okay! we're going at 7 so get ready😛
Everyone: okay see you soon :)

Ricky left around 2 and I started getting ready around 5. I jumped in the shower and when I was done I dried and curled my hair. After that was done I did my makeup and got dressed. (all the girls outfits are above)
I slipped on some shoes and texted ricky and the girls.

Riley: hey girls I'm ready :))
Brooke; me too
Cassie : same :))
Everyone else: YES LETS DASH

We ran out to the tour bus. I knocked on the door and the boys came out. Mikey picked me up and shoved me onto the bus. I sat down and waited for Ricky.

When he came out, we got into our individual cars and drove to the nearest mall. As soon as they walked in a bunch of fangirls attacked them.

"OMG UR RICKY DILLON!" one of them yelled.

He held his arms our for a hug and the girl hugged him really tight.

"Can I get a picture?" she asked

"Yeah of course!" he said

He smiled for the picture and sent her on her way. The rest of the boys spent a minute with the fans and then joined us at the snack bar.

*Kenzie's POV*

There was something special about Connor. I felt like he wasn't that into relationships. Maybe it was because he wasn't into girls. He never said anything about it though.
He smiled at me and grabbed my hand before running into the theatre with me. This was our first date and I could already tell he was going to either fall in love with me, or fall in love with the girl in front of us. Her name was Lillith. She was obsessed with him and we had been friends since the beginning. She always had a smile while talking to him. He did too. But she was with Jc, and she seemed to like him too. I wasn't into Jc. He wasn't my type. Sorry not sorry.
I looked at connor, that beautiful smile and those lovely deep green eyes.

"Hey Kenzie," he said as he touched my hand gently.

"Hey Connor," I smiled.

"I really like you," he whispered.

"I really like you too,"

"Oh really," he smirked "then kiss me."

He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. it felt like we were connected, like it was meant to be. I saw the look on Lillith's face when she saw us kiss. She looked disgusted by me. She turned to Jc and kissed him. He was falling in love with her, I could tell. It didn't seem like it was love to her though. She seemed more in love with Connor instead of him.

*Lillith's POV*

"I hate her." I said to myself
I've always been in love with Connor. He always made me smile and something about the way he kissed her made me angry. I turned to Jc and kissed him. He wasn't expecting it.

He smiled gently and whispered "thanks,"

"you're welcome," I smiled.

I turned to see Connor and Kenzie staring at each other. I think he's in love with her. Not for long though.

After the movie, we went to our hotels. This was our last night with them. I don't know what to do.

*Rileys POV*

"Wait Ricky," I said suddenly

"what is it Riley?"

"this is your last night here, you're going back to LA tomorrow,"

"How are we gonna see each other?" he asked

"Are we?" I whispered

"move to LA,"

"I can't ricky, I have school,"

"I forgot, it's your senior year,"

"I can't move schools in the middle of my senior year,"

"How many more months do you have,"

"About 4,"

"If this is our last night together for the next 4 months, I want to tell you something,"

"what is it?"

"I'm in love with you," he whispered

"Im in love with you too," I smiled.

"Please don't leave me, I need you,"

"I could never," I said as i kissed him.

He walked me to my hotel before getting on the bus. They drove off, and tears streamed down my face as he waved from his bedroom window.


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