Chapter one coming home

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I was finally going home after months of being stuck in a hospital with no TV, but that's not the only reason I'm happy to get out I haven't seen all my family out of hospital for ages .
Everything seemed familiar  as mum drove down our road. All the memories of my family and friends came back as I looked out the window. I saw the old tree that me and my friend AJ climbed. Mum told us off for doing it. I haven't seen AJ in a long time, we had a fulling out when he and his brother started coming up to me and my sister saying I was faking it. My sister got expelled when his brother Aron shouted in assembly that there was nothing wrong with me and that I was pathetic, but
Y/N being Y/N got upset and lost her temper. She stood up and punched him so hard that it broke his nose she then shouted "call my brother pathetic again I dare you" before her  teacher  dragged her out. But I'm not going back to school. My thoughts where interrupted when mum turned around and said "we're here". All of a sudden I got nervous. What if they think I'm putting it on. When I got out the car my little sister Ella come and gave me a hug. I smiled and hugged her back lightly. Gran,Ella,mum and dad walked me in the house. It was strange being back, everything was bigger and more colourful. I turned to go up the stairs when mum placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her with a small smile "your rooms down here now" she walked me to the old game room where me and my sisters used to play. I slowly wondered in. "this is your new room"
It looked exactly like it did before. "Thanks mum" 
She smiled and hugged me tightly. "Hay I think Gran is looking at pictures come on"
Gran was looking at pictures. There pictures of her and grandad,Then there where pictures of mum and dad, pictures of me and my little sister and there was a picture of me and my big sister. Which reminded me that I haven't seen her since I was in hospital.
"Yes Sam"
"Where's Y/N?"
Mum looked to dad and then back to me "she's out at the moment darling"
"She won't be long"
Half an hour later the front door opened."Y/N" mum called
"Guess who's home"
I slowly walked out of the living room and in to the hallway. She looked different she had blonde hair last time I saw her and now it's dark brown. When she saw me her Green eyes began to water and her  mouth fell open. " Sam" she gasped running to me and hugging me tightly."hay Y/N"
She sniffed and then said "hay sammy"
"Um Y/N/N I need air"
"Sorry" she said and loosened her grip.
We walked into the living room together and with the rest of the family except for dad he had gone a few minutes ago when Y/N was outside.
We spent the afternoon laughing like we used to before I got ill. That was until dad came back home. He looked at me and Y/N then walked to mum she scowled at him

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