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The elders of the small island village of Svern watched as the pregnant Kiliaus writhed in pain, her child soon to be born. The father of the child, Sivern, supported his lover with her needs and stayed calm as the child began the birthing process one in which the mother rarely survives.

The baby girl laid in her mother's arms calm, no crying or screams ever coming from its mouth. The elders stepped forward with the piercings that were to be added to the child's ears, two for the left ear, one a small black loop to signify the bond between the couple who made her the other a spiked piece to show that she will be a future warrior, and finally a piercing with the small design of a crow to go on the right ear to show what her guardian is. The youngest of the elders a woman of no more then twenty years of age spoke first.
"Your name is to be Minerva, after the first mistress of Hilerik." She spoke softly into the ear of the child, Hilerik was the mad god of hunting. The mother smiled at her child and raised a thumb covered in the blood of wolves drew a horizon across her child's forhead, a tradition where the blood is collected by the father and given to the mother after the birthing, usually I hopes to save her life, but if not needed used to mark the child.

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