Chapter 2: Bloodfell

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I stepped into the lodge of the elders to see then sitting around the fire pit in the middle of the room, it baffled me how their faces were lit up for the pit had no fire to be contained in it. The eldest woman looked up at me and smiled with a look a grandmother would give a young child, the others looked up but not with a smile let alone a caring smile.
"Young warrior Minerva you have heeded our wishes for you." The youngest sister said moving raising her hand and moving her finger to call me towards her. They waited as I sat with them at the pit, the eldest still had her smile while the others pulled out two weapons from their white cloaks, two swords.
"You must choose a weapon to carry with you warrior, both of these weapons are writers of history." The middle elder spoke softly as the blood red short sword floated just barely above her hands.
"One from a time of war and hatred and one made as a way to give piece to our tribe, the one I hold is Bloodfell the sword of war, the one my sister holds is uldrihell the blade of peace." The youngest said, she help a long bladed Chokutō.
"You must pick which path you wish to walk down." The eldest said her smile faded slightly. I stared at Bloodfell, it's blade was as black as the void with an iron hilt covered in black silk, it had a round handguard adorned with etchings of crows and wolves, I took a glance at uldrihell it was a simple short sword with a red blade and silver handle with white silk covering the hilt.
"You may take your time but you must decide by midnight." The eldest said with a nod of understanding my hesitance.
"Thank you, I-I must consult others to help my dicision." I sad before quickly walking out, once I was outside I dashed to the forest that surrounded the village I didn't need other people... I needed animals.

I sat in the clearing where I killed the stag, the pack of wolves laid around me as the alpha laid at my side. I had been meditating, clearing my mind of thought, as I heard the screams of a man fighting coming closer and closer. I stood quickly and drew my bow notching an arrow as soon as possible and aimed in the directions of the screaming, an orc man breached the wall of trees along with a large haman male who had been fighting him. The orc was wounded heavily and laid on the ground exahsted, as the man had little more then a dent in his steel armor and seemed ready to kill. The orc head rolled towards my feet while the man stared at me laughing, I growled and dropped the bow but kept the arrow in hand.
"Charge!" I yelled before bolting towards the man, several wolves of the pack joined my bolt and jumped causing the man to fall to the ground on his back. I jumped onto him along with the wolves who bit into his armor, I raised the arrow ready to stab him, he laughed.
"Kill me them you and your tribe burn from the kingdoms wrath." He said before spitting at me.
"I don't have to worry then, and by the way thanks for helping me make my choice." I said before stabbing the head of the arrow into his eye, it had popped and covered the sharp edges with blood and gore, I broke the tip and buried it in far enough that it couldn't be taken out without causing more damage. "Head back to your kingdom you human piece of shit."
The wolves backed off as I hopped off of the man, I threw the shaft of the arrow at his chest. He squirmed away from me and quickly ran back into the woods. I left the body of the orc where it was, I had no time to bury him.

"I've decided." I said as I walked into the elder's lodge. They looked at me from their chairs at the far end of the room, several of the religious mothers sat near the fire pit keeping a flame fed and burning. "I'll take Bloodfell, for a human man had decided to attack and kill our orc cousins, he would have killed me if I didn't have a wolf pack protecting me."
"A human killed an orc, he must've been from the kingdom.... hurry claim you weapon and fetch your horse, you must get to the Ishravel by tomorrow's dawn." The youngest said running forward to me, she handed me Bloodfell in it's sheath.
"Once there you must find a way to become part of the Night's guard, they will protect you from the man and any army he has behind him." The eldest said before the youngest pushed me out of the lodge.
"Hurry!" She said staring at me, I didn't hesitate as I rushed to the town stables where Shadowstep stood ready to go on a journey. The alpha wolf kept up with me step by step as we left the town, I quickly lifted him up and placed him infront if my body as I leaned forward and made Shadow gallop through and out of the cleared road out of the woods. This was the begining of something big, I could tell for a large murder of crows followed me for two hundred feet out from the forest, something very big.

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