Chapter 9: A Breakthrough

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"From error to error, one discovers the entire truth." ~Sigmund Frued 

Chapter 9

“What do you think the Cruel Caller’s going to say this month?”

I leaned against my locker, waiting for my teacher to show herself and unlock the door to the class, when I heard two girls prattling on about the Cruel Caller. I’d completely forgotten about the school’s only source of joy; there was a lot going on, what with Marty and his constant pursuit to keep me in the dark, as well as the case for sexual harassment I’d surely be charging Alex with in the near future. What with all the commotion, I hadn’t even realized that a month had passed since I arrived in Seattle; and what with a new month, brought the new Cruel Caller.

“I don’t know. I just hope they didn’t find out about that weird growth on my toe.”

“They are so going to mention it.”

“Fuck off…”

As I was trying to bend over to hear more of their conversation, I heard an immediately sharp noise catch my attention instead.


I turned around, a little spooked, only to see that it was Eloise and Dulcie, smiling cheerfully at me with white, pearly grins and bright eyes, as if all was right in the world. Dulcie took me in her arms and gave me a quick squeeze, “I just wanted to thank you for helping out at the shop yesterday! You really helped a whole lot.”

I patted her on the back, smiling, “It’s no problem. I was happy to help.”

I smiled and felt cold prickles dance on my skin, and that was when I turned to face Eloise. Her olive complexion had almost turned a grayish hue, and where her smile once was held, instead, a malignant frown. I wondered what had made her good mood turn sour; did I smell, or something?

“You were…at the shop?” Eloise inquired nosily, her soft pink lips moving with haste, staring daggers at me with her sharp, unforgiving eyes, almost looking as if I were obliged to answer immediately.

I nodded hesitantly. Realization dawned on me, and I understood that her malcontent must’ve been due to the fact that she wondered if I overheard her little fight with Alex, her previous fuck-buddy. I winced at the very thought and wiped the thought from my mind like dust off a shelf. “Yes, I was. I helped with the deliveries.”

Eloise obviously was struggling to smile. I remembered her words when I’d helped her just a while ago with Scarlett. “You’re one of the good ones,” she’d said. My mind raced as I wondered if she still thought that now.

“Well, that’s sweet of you to help out Dulcie and Alex’s family,” she said genially, but I knew that her voice was tinted with a protective air that made me feel like I was an unwanted figure in their lives. I didn’t understand. I thought she liked me? Did she really think I was a threat to her?

“Thanks,” I said with a nod, almost able to smell the awkward air, as if Eloise excreted it through every pore on her tan, skinny body.

“So, um, what are you doing after school today?” Dulcie wondered hopefully, her eyes like bright gemstones glistening and shining without any other lights but her own.

“Nothing,” I said softly, clawing my books, apprehensively wondering where this conversation would lead to. “Why?”

Eloise seemed to glance at Dulcie pleadingly, beseeching her to not invite me to hang out with them through her two dark eyes that burned like two hot coals, turning to ash before me. Dulcie ignored her easily, though, brushing her off of her shoulder as if she were nothing, “Why don’t you come by room 203 after school then? We usually all hang out there for a little bit after school, and then we could go to our apartment,” she proposed eagerly, almost ready to jump up and rocket to outer space, “What do you say?”

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