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Marianne woke with a huge headache. She expected to be alone when she remembered what had happened. Or she expected to be dead, or kneeling below Tristan, who would inevitably kill her. But all of those possibilities were not true.

Tristan wasn't there, nor was she dead or alone "Hayley?" She asked as she lifted her head from the stone floor. Marianne's hand dabbing her forehead to feel dried blood "why are you here?"

"Elijah went to look for you, he was worried" she sat with her hands intertwined together "when I was alone, Tristan got me"

Marianne took a deep breath in and stood up. "Are you kidding?" She asked, actually sounding more modern that she thought. She turned and started to bang on the walls with the ball of her hand "hello?" She shouted with the hopes of someone hearing her.

Marianne kicked, punched, even tried using her magic against the door To open it.

"Hayley" Marianne breathed in and out, trying not to snap at her "I know you do not like me, and trust me the feeling is mutual. But right now we are in the same situation and I'd prefer it if you'd stand up and help"

"there's no point, I've already tried" she sighed in return "just something else to add to my tragic excuse of a life"

Marianne scoffed, bursting out in a laughter she couldn't contain "come on Hayley, your life isn't tragic"

"Please, my parents gave me up at birth to then be Murdered, my husbands heart was ripped out in front of me, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl to then have her ripped from my arms and my throat slit" Hayley listed what could be classed as tragic, it wasn't exactly the best. "I know your life hasn't been a walk in the park, but really, mine is the worst"

Was she really trying to start a fight about whose life was the worst? If Marianne wasn't trapped in a small room then she would have brushed it off. But it just kept going over in her mind, she needed to be petty.

"Hayley, yes it is sad your parents died. However you didn't know them; I grew up with mine to then be forced to watch my mother burn, it was awful, her skin melted" she began "my father was murdered by Tristan and my little brother kidnapped, then murdered, I held his body in my arms; he was still warm"

"And then I spent 3 years of my life getting close to the man who did this all, to then marry him and for everything to be undone by the love of my life. Then to be on the run for 6 months to realise that I've been linked to Mikael all of that time" Marianne listed "and, said love of life, tore my heart from my chest instead of fighting his father"

Hayley didn't have anything to say. She felt somewhat stupid as her life compared to Marianne's seemed like a walk in the park.

"Yes you were killed, but you are alive, and so is your daughter. you have family in the Mikaelson's. Your husband died, but was it real love? Your heart would always belong to Elijah, and I am jealous because his heart will always belong to you"

"Elijah..." Hayley breathed in return, not wanting to say what she was going to. But she needed to. "... Only loves me when you aren't around"

"I'm old news, you can say it. Hayley I've seen the way he looks at you, he used to look at me like that. I wish he still looked at me like that" Marianne confessed, holding her head in her hands.

"You don't know the way he looks at you because you never see it! You're always looking away, he's in love with you. He left me in bed to go and stay with you because you were scared, he's done everything for you, worshipped the ground you walk on ever since you came back" Hayley argued, wishing she was wrong but knowing that she was right "he even has a box in his room dedicated to you; and when he realised you might be coming back, he wouldn't stop talking about your brown hair or green eyes"

Marianne touched her fingers just under her eyes and smiled slightly. Elijah had always loved her green eyes. He had always told her that every day.

"Hayley..." Marianne realised that Elijah did love her and he feeling she had would make her unstoppable. But the banging noise from outside the door finally snapped her out of her mind and back into reality.

She stood up and started banging on the door, "help" she yelled in hopes that it was someone here to save her.

The sight of Elijah opening the door was like a dream. Marianne's heart began to slow as she relaxed. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she showed her gratitude for him. "Aren't I glad to see you" she commented

"I leave you for five minutes" Elijah smirked looking up at her forehead "you're hurt?"

Marianne touched the wound again "no, I just hit my head on the floor, it's nothing" she smiled "but we do need to go"

Hayley stood and all three ran up the stairs. "Tristan has a witch" Marianne needed an excuse to get away from them all "if we go to the st. James infirmary then she won't be able to reach us there, or track us" she lied "I'll get Freya, Nik and Rebekah, you take Hayley there"

"I'm not leaving you" Elijah said, he needed to make sure she was safe.

"Look, Tristan is nowhere around here. I can get them quickly and I'll meet you there" Marianne breathed heavily as she crossed her fingers behind her back "I promise"


Hey guys! I just have a quick question regarding my books; what do you think about the length of them? Are they too long?
I'm asking because with my recent books, I've been doing a good 50+ chapters when I used to do about 20, so I hope it doesn't seem like I'm dragging it out or boring anyone, I just have a lot of ideas to get into one book 😂😂 I'd really appreciate your opinions on this so I can continue what I'm doing or shorten them down :) xxx

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