A Dream?!

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"Rick. What. The hell. Just happened." You ask seriously. "I mean I guess y-O-u fell in a short coma. Bout two, three days tops." He replied. Your head begins to run wild. How did You fall into a coma? How did he wake you up? "Yeah." He sighed. "Your cute when you sleep." "Wait. What?!" You were just about to rant to him but you felt a rumble. You realized you haven't eaten in 3 days.

You walked into the house from the garage and was greeted by the family. Everyone was nice. It was good to have family again. Until Jerry greeted you. "So are you and Rick dating? He's like 3 times as old as you!" He snickers. "Jerry get a job." You say to him.

Everyone except Jerry laughed. "You've been hanging out with Rick too much. " Jerry said offended. If you only knew Jerry. If you only knew. Your stomach rumbles again. "I'll get right on dinner then!" Beth said happily.

A few moments pass by. You look out the window from across the table. December? You say in your head. "Hey I was wondering what's today's date." You ask. "December 14, 2016. Why?" Rick replies. He's smirking. He knows exactly why you asked. "B-because..." You stutter. "I..uh... Don't have anything for Christmas for you guys..." You say. "Christmas?!" Jerry says with hate. Yup he's still on about the whole Jacob thing. Everyone was talking about school, parties, and friends. You sat quietly eating.

"You killed these sandwiches Beth. Your mother would be so proud." Rick says as Beth awes and tears up. "Anyway, (Y/N) wanna get ice cream?" "C..can I go Rick?" "No Morty. Just no."

So... I could go two ways with this normal date, or NSFW... So, I guess tell me which you'd rather in the comments! Thanks for reading!

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