Ice Cream

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~Honestly lets just do a time skip~
On your way home from your date, you stare out the glass window, separating you from the wonders of space.

"Rick, shouldn't we get ice cream? And say we stopped to watch a movie?" You say, realizing if you didn't get ice cream, Jerry would make another comment. "Eh." He replied. "I mean I g-EU-ss. Not because I'm afraid of Dip shit. But just because I know you want some."

Rick begins heading to what ever the planets name is. Once you reached there you walked out of the ship, to find a large line awaiting cold ice cream. "Long line..." You say to Rick. He wasn't paying attention to you, but rather the line and the people in it. "Rick?" You ask. "Get back in the ship." "But Rick were already half way!" You complain. "Get in the damn ship. Now."

Suddenly a laser beam just misses your face. "...Rick..." You say. "GET TO THE SHIP!" You yell. You turn to run but something grabs your hair. "Rick Sanchez, we could do this two ways. I can kill her and you leave. Or I could arrest you both for crimes against the federation." The burocrat says as he sticks a gun to your head. He's got you in an arm lock, your panicking. Ricks just standing there. God he's actually thinking of leaving.

"Choose or I'll choose for you!" The alien demands. All of a sudden he looses his grip on you. Rick smirks as he realizes who's behind the soldier. "YOU BETTER LET HER GO YOU SQUANCH!" Said a VERRY deep voice. You realize who it is. The same god damn Squanch who saved Rick during the season 2 finally.

Well I'm sure you know what happens next... Squanchy ate the burocrat and you and Rick fled to the ship. "Rick I need to grab something from my lab at my dimension..." You say. "My experiment could kill everyone..." "..." "Rick?" "Look, I can take you back but I can't bring you back..." He says sadly. "Your dimension is too unstable for two more portals. It's a one way trip, or that entire timeline is screwed..."

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