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Ok. So. Update.

I recently went on a week long vacation. That's mainly why I don't really have much art to show you. Buuuut... I will be drawing more because it's summer. Did any of you guys enter in kilala97's and lopoddity's contest? I feel so terrible. About 4 days after it started I entered my first entry. Extremely exited because this is my one chance at getting my two favorite artists to notice my existence. Well..... My dad took my phone away right before vacation. That is how I post stuff here and on da. I completely forgot about the contest and when I got my phone back... It was too late. (I got it back yesterday) IT ENDED TODAY! :,( I only have one entry. I know it's better than nothing but I have such a low chance now. Oh well. I can't wait to see the winner though. I have looked through about a hundred of entries. They are all amazing.

Here you can see a cover (WIP) for a fanfiction in going to be writing here. It stares tcorbitt2010 and another amazing artist's ocs. I really encourage you to read it once it comes out.

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