Chapter 4

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15 minutes later we are gathered in the fron to of the house. "Do you know where you are going?" Stephen asks as soon as Sean and I walk up. I roll my eyes. "East, Duh" I smirk. Sean smothers a grin. "Ha ha, ash, very funny" he retorts. I grin, "Well, I sure thought so" Mr. Bruhoney rolls his eyes. "We will just go east as far as we need to" Sean says. Stephen who had not even so much glanced at me, because he was too busy glaring at Sean, now rested his eyes on me. "Wha... What is that? Around your neck?" He stammers. I glance down. "Oh this?", I hold up my lightning bolt shaped necklace, "It's a gift from my parents. It can turn me invincible and it also helps me call the venti, or the storm horses" I explain. "Zeus save me..." Stephen muttered. I glance at Sean and see he looks confused as me. "Why..." I ask. "Your father hates me, so he gave you that fabulous trinket so he could keep an eye on me when you are here." Stephen explains. I nod. Now it made sense why he avoided anything Zeus related. "Ok then... So... We are gonna leave... And leave you to hyperventilate... Sometimes I wonder.." Sean tells Stephen. I nod and walk out of the camp and give my best taxi whistle and then sit down to wait. "What are we waiting for?" Sean inquires. I point at a miniature storm that's coming towards us at a rapid pace. Sean looks nervous.

When it reaches us it turns into a large storm horse." This is Kerry, he will be our ride until we go far enough east." I inform Sean. He nods and Kerry bends down so we can board. Sean gets on, then helps me up. I wrap my arms around Sean's waist. "Ok Kerry, to the east!" I shout. Kerry starts running until we rise high in the air. Then he starts walking east. I grin and Sean glances back at me. "You swear it's not going to evaporate?" He says nervously. I nod, "I promise. In fact, I swear on the river Styx." I respond. Thunder sounds taking an oath on the river styx is a very serious thing. If you break it, you die. It's as simple as that. I suddenly remember a kinda funny, extremely embarrassing memory of me and Sean. I start laughing. Sean looks at me.

"What? What's so funny?" He asks. I grin. "Just remembering a memory from trek" I tell him. "Mind sharing? There a lot of memories from Trek" Sean says. I grin and nod. "Okay. I was thinking about when we stopped and I came to see you. I was leaning on your cart and you, when you said 'you know you're pressing your boobs on my arm?' and I moved and you're like 'No, don't move it was cute', God... I was blushing so bad", I tell him. He grins and starts laughing.

Trek is a 3-day pioneer hike that demigods go on, once every 4-years. We dress like pioneers and lug a heavy cart for 3 days with lots of breaks. That is where I met Sean. "What did you think about Trek?" I asked him, "It was like stepped up to the plate and slam-dunking a touchdown!" He declares. I laughed. "You know you just used three different sports references right?" I asked. He grins, "I know, but the question is do you know which references?" He says laughing. I roll my eyes. "Baseball, baseball, and football." I reply, ticking them off on my fingers. Sean nods, "Good job".

I look down. "Kerry slow down!" I yell. The horse slows down and I see two glowing figures on the land below. "Kerry bring us down! I think we found our two Goddesses" I say. Sean looks down and scowls.

As we are landing the Goddesses rush forward. "Finally" Nemesis says. Her voice is almost as raspy as the oracles. She wears a large gray cloak, has gray hair, and eyes that are a brilliant green, but don't have pupils. "I agree with nemesis" Aphrodite says, her voice soft. She wears a long pink silk dress and a pink scarf. Her hair is perfect. No fly-aways or calics. Her eyes are every shade of gold and Hazel in the world.

I don't trust either of the Goddesses, but Aphrodite even more so, because she makes me feel things I don't want to. Makes me want to do things I don't want to. I mean, Sean is great. I've never been more happy with him. Sean looks uncomfortable. "So what exactly am I supposed to do here?" I ask, trying to keep Nemesis aura at bay. Each God sends out emotions as symbols of their power, or their aura. Nemesis makes me want to punch a wall or get revenge. Don't even get me started on Aphrodite.

"I think you know darling" Aphrodite says. She's right I do know. I'm about to face the beast inside of me. "I love this part" Nemesis crackles. "What are you going to do to her?" Sean asks. Nemesis only crackles in response to Sean's question.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2017 ⏰

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