Chapter 5

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 “That’s a long time,” said Emma. She climbed to her feet and looked down at the foot wraps, a big grin lighting up her tear stained face. “These are cool. Can I keep them when we go home?”

Alara inclined her head.

“Purr-princess, we must be on our way,” said Siptah, reaching for his spear.

Alara stood, her eyes forlorn, but her hand steady when she held it out and took a second spear from Siptah.

“Yes, I suppose we must hurry home too,” said Kate. She took hold of Emma’s hand and turned to look at the barred entrance. “Can you help me lift the bar, Siptah?”

Siptah shook his head. “N-no, you must not. It is dangerous.”

Kate looked at him. “You said that Min would have to go back and around to come through the other entrance, which means there is no danger for us.”

“He will have someone guarding the door,” replied Siptah.

It was Kate’s turn to shake her head. “We have to go home. There are four of us and only one of them. We can knock him out or something.”

“Kate, we do not know how many there will be,” said Alara. “Anyway, you cannot go that way as you cannot get home without our help. You must come with us to Manu.”

Emma tugged on Kate’s hand. “Can we, Kate? I want to see where they live. Can we go with them? Please.”

Kate squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. It was too hard. How was she supposed to make decisions if everyone went against her? “We can’t,” she whispered, trying to curb her frustration. “We have to go home.”

She wanted to go home. Home was peaceful and quiet. Home was safe. At home, she had her mum and Joe to protect her, to make decisions for her.

“Kate,” said Alara, “the only way for you to get home is to come with us. The way back will not take you to where you want to go. When I receive the crown, I will send you home.”

“And what if you don’t receive the crown?” The words tumbled out of Kate’s mouth in a rush. Her free hand was clenched in a fist. “What if Min gets the crown? What happens then?”

Alara and Siptah exchanged looks.

“Besides, you used my mother’s well before, why can’t you use it again?” asked Kate.

“Cat’s whiskers have a certain power in Miu,” said Alara.

Kate stared at Alara’s face. She didn’t have whiskers.

“They are rare in Manu, and probably in Bakhu too, I am not sure,” continued Alara. “With them we can do a number of things—including travelling through portals.”

Kate leaned forward to say something, but Alara didn’t allow her to speak.

“However,” Alara said quickly, “we only had two whiskers and we have used them both, but we will find another way.”

“There is another way. Right there—”

“What was that?” Alara interrupted, holding up a hand for silence.

“What? I didn’t hear anything,” replied Kate.


Kate looked at Siptah, then Alara, who half turned to look over her shoulder.

“Siptah?” Alara raised her spear.

“Purr-princess, we were wrong,” said Siptah. “Min foresaw our movements. He comes through the purr-passage.”

The Land of Miu (Land of Miu, #1, 2nd ed.)Where stories live. Discover now