Chapter 13

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The darkness lightened into grey as Kate struggled back to consciousness. She tried to force her eyes to open. She moved and felt her chest tighten. Pain shot down her leg. Her hand reached out, her fingers closing around something solid. The spear.

“Kate, you are losing blood,” Siptah whispered in her ear. “Keep still.”

Kate realised the pressure on her chest was Siptah’s arms holding her close. She allowed herself to lean back against him and look around. How much time had passed? A minute? Five minutes? Longer? Little had changed. Maybe it was mere seconds.

Alara stood in front of Kate, her only weapon a sling. Min and one of his henchmen advanced towards her.

“Your death will be quick, but not necessarily purr-painless,” said Min.

Alara remained silent and rigid, her sling ready.

“Get it over with, Min,” said Hebany. He and a guard advanced from the rear. “You have a crown to claim.”

Kate glanced up at Siptah. He looked different somehow, older.

“You will never get the crown,” Alara said to Min. “Never!”

“I have to help the purr-princess,” Siptah whispered to Kate. “This will not be our resting purr-place. Not without a fight.”

Unable to speak, Kate nodded.

Min laughed. “Strong words—”

“Min!” Hebany shouted. “Get on with it.”

Siptah lowered Kate’s head to the cavern floor, and joined Alara. Side by side they awaited the onslaught. When it came, Kate could only moan and shut her eyes, but she could not shut out the pain.

“Pr-Aa!” Djal’s shout was loud, his voice surprised and terrified.

Kate’s eyes fluttered open. Siptah had overpowered Min, who lay face down in the dirt with one arm twisted savagely up his back. Alara struggled with her assailant.

A deep, haunting noise sounded. It started out as a low groan and built up to a steady pitch, much like a horn. A stern command followed and, although Kate couldn’t see what was happening, she knew many Miuans had charged into the cavern by the rumble vibrating through the ground.

Hebany turned and tried to flee. Min struggled to gain his freedom, but Siptah drove his knee into Min’s back, forcing him to remain on the ground. The guard holding Alara in a headlock shoved her to one side and ran. She fell to the ground beside Kate.

“Pr-Aa!” Djal shouted again.

“Take him!” A deep voice roared. “Strip him of his circlet and take him away.”

“No, no, purr-please no ...” Djal’s voice faded.

Kate trembled with pain. She looked into Alara’s mysterious eyes and found the princess smiling at her.

Alara reached out and touched her face. “It is over. That is Siptah’s father. Everything will be fine now.”

A tear dripped from the corner of Kate’s eye into the rubble. She slid back into darkness.


Kate heard voices. Her head felt foggy, her body relaxed. She couldn’t force her eyes to open. She listened momentarily then drifted off into a deep sleep.


Kate opened her eyes and looked around. The chamber was large, with no windows and only one door, which stood ajar. Colourful drawings had been painted directly onto the stone walls. On examination, they seemed to tell a cryptic story. Two flaming torches were the only source of light, but Kate could see places for more torches if the need arose.

The Land of Miu (Land of Miu, #1, 2nd ed.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora