Chapter 2~What A Throwback

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For the rest of the day Maddie couldn't concentrate.She was just so mad at the world and at Josh for his terrible taste in birthday parties.She just didn't know what to do!She'd liked Josh since forever and every year something came up and she missed his party!

3rd grade dentist appointment, 5th grade grounded, and last year in the 7th grade she had appendicitis and had to undergo emergency surgery!This year there was nothing stopping her, well nothing but her deathly fear of clowns

You see, when Maddie was younger her mum had taken her and Mackenzie to the circus.Maddie loved it!The trapeze inspired her and the lions amazed her, it was only when the clowns came out that things took a turn for the worst...

At first they were funny, how they tripped over themselves and failed to catch the juggling balls, but then they asked for a volunteer, hundreds of children in the audience raised their hand, while Maddie just slumped back into her seat!But for some reason they still chose her!

They lead her on stage and sat her down in the middle.They surrounded her and did a crazy dance cackling and staring they jumped around in a circle 'Circus circus Circus circus!' They sung Maddie sobbed in fear

Then one of them came over And splattered a cream pie onto her face, Maddie screamed and cried and ran off stage, she just kept running.It was strange, she ended up in a dark room behind the stage.She sat there for hours sobbing until someone found her, but it wasn't who she expected

It was a clown, he  and walked over, Maddie held her knees to her chest, 'please don't hurt me!' She shrieked, he smirked and sat down on a chair in the corner, lifting her up and placing her on his lap.He grabbed her tightly and said, 'Why are you here little girl?!'

'I'm lost!I just need to go home to my mummy?!' She sobbed

'But don't you get it you're never getting out of here!' He whispered into her here, his bony fingers wrapping around her arms she screamed and screamed until the ringmaster followed the noise, Melissa following him

'Is this the girl?!' The ringmaster asked, Melissa nodded

'Mummy mummy evil clown!' Maddie screamed, this time the clown did not hold her back and she leapt from his lap and over to the warm safe arms of her mother

Melissa thanked the ringmaster and they left.From that day on she had promised herself to never go near a clown again!

Maddie shivered cat the thought of that memory.After that she wasn't so sure if she could go to the party!

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