Dean-I'm In Hell

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Dean's eyes flew open as he felt Alastair's knife slam into his shoulder on his newly healed body. How the hell did I manage to close my eyes, let alone fall asleep for a second?! Dean thought, his eyes immediately finding the scratches against the wall next to the rack.

Forty three, forty five, forty... four years... God, four years... I've been in this place four years. Who knows what happened to Sam. He thought again, another knife slamming into his leg.

Dean screamed, agony building, God, if you're there, why is this happening?! Dear God, help me... Anyone...


Castiel stood in heaven, the bustle of angels everywhere. He heard a call he'd heard many times. The call from the hunter Dean Winchester. It'd been rumored that he was Michael's vessel, and his brother Lucifer's. Dean's calls were intriguing; desperate, filled with passion, the last defense of a thick headed man who thought he didn't deserve or need anything from anyone.

Castiel closed his eyes and saw the man in hell through the eye of his mind. His emerald green eyes were bloodshot, his voice raw from screaming, his body and mind weary. The man only wanted to do the world right by him, and the agony was palpable in his cries and prayers.

Every moment that Castiel listened, his compassion for the man that may be the Savior of heaven and Earth grew. Only compassion, he told himself. This went on, yet still no orders from Uriel or anyone else in the garrison to have the man saved. The man cried his hallelujah from the depths of hell, yet it's bravery and sacrifice hit to the very core of the angel in the heights of heaven. What a man, this Dean Winchester.


Dean endured another day of torture, and when Alastair hung his equipment on the wall after marking the wall next to the others, he turned to look at Dean

"Another day, another chance to take my place and be the torturer instead of the tortured, Dean." He sneered in his nasally voice.

Dean could barely speak, his vocal chords hanging by threads. He managed to croak out, "Screw yourself, can kiss the whitest part of my-"

Alastair walked out and closed the door with a malicious laugh.

Dean looked at the wall, I can do this, I can do this. Not for whatever ass made me, but for Sammy, and Dad, and Mom, and Bobby, and-

He took a deep breath, immediately regretting it as pain shot through his chest and silenced him for the rest of the night.


Castiel heard the prayer of loyalty with a foreign pang of sadness. This man won't last forever. For all the goodness in his heart and his immense strength, he's still a child. God help him.

Just Another Destiel Fic [DISCONTINUED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें