Dean-You Win, Alastair

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Dean's 30th year in Hell

Castiel walked to headquarters, filled with unease, to find angels surrounding the monitors that keep an eye on Dean Winchester.

He approached Uriel, "Brother, Dean's prayers have become increasingly troubled in recent hours, I've heard them almost constantly."

Uriel looked Castiel in the eye, "We all have. He's praying to anything that will listen. I'm concerned."

Castiel tilted his head, "Are you concerned he will take Alastair's deal?"

Uriel furrowed his brow, "Have you not actually heard his prayers, Castiel?? He's about to!"

Castiel looked at the monitors, "I'm afraid I've been in a state of penitence for an hour or so, and I stopped listening... When is Alastair going to arrive-"

As he spoke, Alastair sauntered through the door of Dean's cell, "Why heeelllloooo, Dean!! Ready for another, fun-filled day?"

All the angels held their breath as Dean looked at Alastair, fear deep in his eyes. When the demon took a step forward, Dean yelled, "Wait!! W-wait..."

Castiel watched on in apprehension.


Dean's voice cracked in resignation, "Y-you win, Alastair, I agree... Did you hear me, you son of a bitch?! Take me off the rack!!"

Dean's chest tightened as he spoke, and immediately, guilt, self-loathing, and crushing sadness overcame him. I'm a worthless, sorry, son of a bitch. God, why have you left me like this, I tried so hard!! I just couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't take the pain, the agony, I-

Alastair snapped and the locks opened on Dean's restraints, his body became healed. Dean climbed off and looked at Alastair with a glare that could kill. Alastair grinned in triumph, and handed Dean his knife as another poor soul got thrown on the rack, "There you are, maestro, your paintbrush to create your masterpieces. Don't bother taking it easy, I decide when you're done with each soul..."

Dean squeezed the blade in his hands, not looking in the eyes of the man in his former place of torture. This is just a new form of torture, Dean thought as he slammed the knife into the man's gut.


All of the angels looked away as Dean performed the deed, but Castiel was enraptured by the image. This man, showing such violence and loathing on the outside, was crying to the heavens and screaming a thousand apologies with each slash of his knife. The angel prayed for his father to provide the man with comfort in the depths of hell.

Castiel found Uriel, "If Dean Winchester truly is Michael's vessel, shouldn't efforts to retrieve him from hell be prepared?"

Uriel scowled slightly, he never did like the Winchester's at all, as it appeared to Castiel, "If you are concerned with the human, then voice your complaints to Ephraim."

Castiel watched his fellow soldier in God walk away, curious as to why he didn't love the humans as Castiel did; as God commanded.


Hey, thank you guys so much for welcoming my fic so well!!

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