48 - The goddess riddle

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I got this riddle from the buzzfeed video, so go check them out.

There are three goddess' sitting in a temple. One of them named Truth who could only tell the truth. One named Lie who could only lie. The other named Wisdom, who could sometimes lie and sometimes tell the truth. All three goddess look alike so you don't know who's who. You need to pass the Goddess but they will only let you pass if you can tell them apart.

You ask the goddess on the left, who is the middle goddess?
Left Goddess: Truth
You ask the goddess in the middle, who are you?
Middle Goddess:  Wisdom
You ask the goddess on the right, who is the middle goddess?
Right goddess: Lie

Who's who?
Sorry if you lose any brain cells while doing this! I took ages to figure it out but you guys will probably take like two seconds! Good luck!

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