Chapter 4

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Awesomekit was bouncing around camp excitedly. She paused by the fresh kill pile and grabbed a large squirrel from the top of the pile. By the tail, she dragged it all the way into the nursery. "Der sisher!" she mumbled to Flippykit, who was still getting her beauty sleep. Awesomekit dropped it next to her nest. "I brought prey for you!"

Flippykit hopped up and grabbed the squirrel in her jaws. She shook it wildly, and stripped the fur from it's body with her claws. "DIE AND GIVE ME YOUR POWER! I AM THE NEW LEADER OFF THE WORLD! I AM AN UNSTOPPABLE BEING AND YOU ARE ALL NOW MY SLAVES, UNDER THE CONTROL OF MY ARMY AND MY RULE!" she her powerful voice echoed (it was really odd to have a kit with such a voice, really) as shredded it violently. Blood splatted on the crimson-stained nursery floor, and Flippykit started to eat the pieces of torn up meat.

"Sister... this is the sixth time you've destroyed prey this quarter moon!" Awesomekit sighed pushing pieces of fur into a pile. "Oh, and save some meat for me, too! I'm very truly hungry!"

"FOOL!" Flippykit scoffed. "This is my prey, Thunderclan scum. I am going to eat the whole thing, for I rule this den and I make all the decisions here!" she glanced back up from her food. "Oh. Sorry Awesomekit. Didn't realize it was you or anything..." she was back to sounding like a bored teenager. She reluctantly pushes over a small limp piece of meat to Awesomekit. This will hardly be enough to hold be over for more than the morning... oh well. Awesomekit thought as she picked pieces of fat off the meat. Right the two kits had finished, a voice rang through the clearing.

"Everyone gather under the cheese pile for a gathering thing. I don't know what the actual phrase is or anything but whatever... hurry up and get your butts over here, slaves. We're burning the rabbit meat that is on the grill right now! Butterbutt, can you go check it for me?" Starstar looked around the clearing. His gorgeous blond fur around his head was shaped like a star, and that was the only reason why he was a leader. Starstar is actually a really big jerk.

"Oh I had completely forgot about becoming apprentices since the last chapter!" Awesomekit chriped

"Anyway, welcome slaves. I'm your host, Starstar! Today some kits became five months- I MEAN MOONS LOL- old. I'm lazy to announce their names though but you know who they are most likely..." Starstar jumped down from the cheese pile. "Awesomepaw, Flippypaw... Velvetkit is to weak so she won't be joining the fun of growing up. Sucks to be her!" Once again, everyone forgot about nameless kit and I think they died... no one was even sure if she existed or not... and they obviously didn't know if they were a girl or boy..... haha enough with that rant.......

De joey believes Koala wrote this chapty

WRONG! It was the fabu Panda! :3
I never got to finish this part, but whatever. To lazy...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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