Friendly Chat?

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   " So tell me...Do you happened to know my family or something.?"

"Aiyah ...What do you mean?" The Chinese man furrowed his eyebrows at which the girl smirk.

"I'm back mother." (Name) run inside the restaurant, calling out for her dear mother.

"Wait....what?" Yao mouth wide agape.

"Oh welcome back dear. And you brought customer. Well...come in." A middle aged women step out from behind the curtain holding a tray filled with steaming cups of herbal tea.

" Wait you said we ran out of tea. "

" It took you too long to return . So I went out to the garden to pick some herb you grew."

" which.....One?" (Name) shakily asked.
"The one next to the wooden rabbit."

"Those are for people with constipation" (Name) whisper to her mom.

"Oh wonder i kept hearing know....and it came with horrible smell too." Her mother whispered

"Let me handle that mom. Here.. the tea. " (Name) gave her mother a small bag before turning to the other five. " Please make yourselves comfortable" .

(name) was about to leave when Yao stopped her again.

" I did say I would treat you. Where do you think you're going?"


"Come join him. I can take care of this. Nice to see you again Yao. It's been a while." She said and bowed. Said man did likewise

"I'm (Mother/name). Welcome to the (F/Name) restaurant." She said to the remaining clueless man before retreating back to kitchen

"So you do know my mom."

"Old acquaintance........" Yao sang skipping up ahead

"I don't like that sing song voice."( Name) stared at Yao blankly

The six of them settled down at the table near the window. Yao and the guard stand near the window, behind Kiku while (Name) and him sit.
"Why don't you come join us?" -The female questioned at the Chinese man.

     "It's ok" - Yao smiled .

       "No it's not ok. come sit."

Yao flashed Kiku a glance who simply nod back.

"Then if you don't mind me."

"Alright then." She then turned to Kiku." So Kiku never been to a market before?"

" Why do you ask?"

" Cause nobody went to the market dress like ...that....You gonna get yourself a heat stroke." She said gesturing to his dark outfit.

"At such a young age, you're quite smart." Kiku smiled, patting her head like one would do to a child. (Name) could feel steam emitting from her ears.
       "Hey I'm not that young ok.......I'm just well...missing a few centimeters..." Yao snickered at that.

"How old are you?" - Kiku curiously raised one of his brows.

"Wow...that's blunt. But I'm 17. Yours?"


"You know you're not that short. Your height just the same as the emperor when he's your age." Yao laughed but was silent the next moment for Kiku kicked him in the shin.

Japan x Reader:'re the emperorWhere stories live. Discover now