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 Sonic has busy playing video games for hours and then he heard his phone vibrates.Sonic then grab his IPhone 6 and read the message."Rouge : Hey blue wanna come for karaoke ? At my club 5PM!"Said the message."Okay I'm come." Sonic type back to Rouge." Damn she call me Blue again!"growled Sonic as he get ready.

While at Shadow's house........

 Shadow were take a nap. Then he heard his IPhone 6 ringing.Shadow then wake up." Son of bitch!" murmured Shadow as he take his Iphone. "Hey Shadow~!" Said Rouge as she flittered her voice in the phone."What the Hell are you bothering me?" Asked Shadow in annoyed tone. "Hey don't get mad I just want to invate you to my club!" Said Rouge. "I don't want to attend that party!" Said Shadow. "Are you scared ?" Said Rouge as she smirk."Argh okay I'm come!" Said Shadow in more annoyed tone. "Bye sexy~" Said Rouge.Shadow then turn of his IPhone and rolled his eyes.

Rouge also do the same to another's include:Silver,Rouge,Amy,Knuckels,Tails,and many more...

(Sorry for short chapter TT)

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