Hi There

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Crystal's POV

Everyday,before sunrise,I go on a flight with Peach and then we play with Kayden,but this morning was different. As I was packing my bag,my mom came up to me. Now,my mother never comes to me,she always goes to Astrid. No one even knows I have a dragon,they all just think I got to the forest to be alone,oh,how wrong they are. "Crystal,I need to speak with you" she said sternly. I nodded,I don't talk very much,well,to people I'm uncomfortable with anyway. I put down my bag and turned to her. "Yes,mother?" I asked politely. She sighed before continuing. "As you know,you are the weakest in the family,a disappointment-" That's the thing an out my mother,she doesn't sugar coat anything. "So,the chief and I have been talking,and we have decided to unite the Haddock family and the Hofferson family!" She smiles. "Oh,so what your saying is,you don't want me at Astrids wedding? Okay I can live with that" I said before going to grab my bag. "No! Your going to marry Hiccup!" She exclaimed. I froze. "What?!" I shrieked. She looked suprised before she stood up straight. "Your wedding is in a year,that should be enough time for you and Hiccup to get along,you will also be joining the dragon riders,Hiccup will come to pick you up at sundown,be ready by then." She said before walking out. I grabbed my bag and jumped out the window,landing swiftly on my feet. How dare they?!


I whistled and Kayden came running from behind a seastack and Peach came from a cave in a mountain. "It's time to expose you girl,I have to,or I will have to set you free." She made a low,sad rumble. I sighed and nodded before turning to Kayden. "You too bud."I said,rubbing the top of his head as he nuzzled my hand. I sighed before putting Kayden in the bag on the side of Peach,where he usually goes,and got on top of Peach and we shot through the sky.


I sighed as I packed the last of my stuff into my bag before I walked out my house. Hiccup and Toothless were there waiting. Erm,I hope this isn't gonna be awkward" Hiccup said looking at me with his big forest green eyes. "Um,Hiccup,I have to show you something" I said. He nodded and I lead him and Toothless to the forest. Toothless sniffed the air,I knew that he knew. "Just,just don't freak out" I said nervously before whistling. The first one to come was Kayden,then,just as Hiccup was about to talk,Peach decided to show up,the look Hiccup gave me,I was honestly terrified.

When Crystal Shines||Httyd||Hiccup X OCWhere stories live. Discover now