Chapter 13

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Hayes' p.o.v

I can't believe Madi's going on a date with Matt. Its unbelievable. Me and Cam are going to do something about it. Or maybe we shouldn't, my mom said I have to be nice to her so maybe we should be nice to her, idk.

"Cam maybe we shouldn't do anything" I said cautiously because I knew he was mad.

"What?? Why??" He asked clearly upset.

"Because I know she was really upset and now she's being nice and she's moved on. Maybe I should too and you should also if you like her." I told him.

"No way dude. I am not going to just let it go." He replied angrily.

"But we have to let it go!! SHE'S MOVED ON AND SO SHOULD WE." I yelled at him.

It was silent until I said "Look I don't even think I've forgiven you for what you did. But I don't blame it all on you but just the fact that you were trying to break us up pisses me off. So can you please just let this go? For me?"

His face looked guilty but mad, very mad.

"Fine." He stated in a very low voice and had an angry face on then he stormed out of the room.

So I decided to go to the other guys' room. It was midnight so they might not be awake but oh well.

I opened the door and saw they were all watching the fault in our stars. Me and Madi's movie. I started to feel sad and I frowned. I searched the dark room for Madi and saw her cuddling with Matt which made my blood boil. Everyone was looking at me at this point.

"Uh hey guys" I said trying to show them I wasn't going to be rude.

"Uh hi Hayes" Nash said confused.

"Uh..... Sorry to interrupt but Madi can I talk to you for a second in the hallway please?" I asked awkwardly.

She looked at Matt and he looked suspicious but nodded signaling for her to go.

"Alright sure" she said forcing a smile.

We walled in the hallway and she said "yes?"

"Madi I'm so so so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I never got a chance to apologize because you didn't want to even see me, which I understand. I just wanted to say that I'm very happy for you that you've moved on from me. I hope I can do the same and be as mature as you are being. I know you won't take me back and that's not why I'm saying all of this. I'm totally fine with the whole you and Matt thing, I hope y'all are happy together..." I said with tears filling my eyes.


Madi's p.o.v

"Madi I'm so so so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I never got a chance to apologize because you didn't want to even see me, which I understand. I just wanted to say that I'm very happy for you that you've moved on from me. I hope I can do the same and be as mature as you are being. I know you won't take me back and that's not why I'm saying all of this. I'm totally fine with the whole you and Matt thing, I hope y'all are happy together..." Hayes said with tears filling his eyes.

I could tell his apology was sincere and he meant every word that he said.

"Aw Hayes...." I finally got out and tears spilled.

He just looked at me and waited for me to finish.

"Hayes thank you so much. That really means a lot. That was probably the best apology anyone has ever told to me" I said that last part laughing a little.

"And you know I don't think I've completely moved on yet, I'm still working on it. I mean its kind of hard to forget your best friend" I said sadly.

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