ZenYuki Proposal

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Zen's Pov
"It's going to be today." I said to myself as I walked outside my bedroom.
I walked to my desk and started working.
"Good Morning, Zen." Mitsuhide said as he entered the room.
"Good Morning." I said back.
Several minutes passed and all I could think about is how I should propose.
"What are you thinking about? Is it about Shirayuki?" Mitsuhide noticed that I seemed to be lost in thought. I was still lost in thought so I didn't notice that he asked me something. He didn't say anything else until about 10 minutes later.
"Zen. Kiki and I have been married for about a year now. And we have a child that is due in a month. It has been 3 years since you first met and started dating Shirayuki. I think it's time for you propose." Mitsuhide said.
"Yeah.. It's gonna be today.. I just don't know how I should propose." I replied.
"Zen. You should take the day off." He told me.
I didn't say anything back I just nodded and headed outside.
"Be Careful, even if you're lost in thought. Make sure you pay attention to your surroundings. I don't want you to get hurt." He said to me as I left to go see Shirayuki. I walked towards where she works. Unfortunately I didn't  listen to Mitsuhide's warning and ended up banging into Ryuu who was carrying lots of books.
"Sorry." Ryuu apologized. As he went to pick up the books.
"No, Ryuu I'm sorry.  I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I apologized and bent down to help him. Once I was carrying  half the books and Ryuu was carrying the other half he said, "Thanks you didn't have to, Prince."
"Where are you heading? I'll help you carry these there." I asked.
"To the library." He answered. And we both headed to the library.
"Thanks again." He thanked me.
"It's no problem." I smiled at him.
"If you were looking for Shirayuki. Follow me." He said and led me to where she was.
"Thanks, Ryuu." I thanked him.
"No problem. See you around, Prince." He said.
"See you, Ryuu. And for now on please call me Zen."
"Then.. See you Zen."
I walked inside the room where Shirayuki was.
"Oh hi, Zen!" She smiled.
Oh how I love that smile.
"Hello, How are you?" I asked.
"I'm doing good." She replied.
"I'm glad. So when are you getting off work?" I asked her.
"Right now, I just need to drop something off and I'll be done." She answered.
"Okay. Can I come along?" I asked.
"Sure!" She said.
We walked towards where she works once we reached the door she told me, "I'll be right back. There is no point coming in if I'll be out a minute later."
"Okay." I waited for her outside and a minute later she came back.
"Do you want to do something? I mean we are both free. Is there anything you want to do?" I asked.
"Hmm. Well Raji wanted me to visit his country some time this week. He just wanted to see how long my hair had grown since the last time I saw him. So it won't be for that long."
"Then. Maybe we can find something to do in Tanburan?"
"I'd love to." She smiled again.
"I heard you learned how to ride a horse. Do you want to bring your own?" I asked her.
"We can share one if you want."

Time skip..
We arrived in Tanburan and we headed to the castle. When we arrived, "Even if we know you Miss Shirayuki, we need to see your pass. Especially because you brought a guest with you." A guard had said.
"Of course." Shirayuki replied as she showed her identification card for her title of, 'Friend of the Tanburan Royal Family.'
"You both may come in." The guard said.
"Thank You." Both Shirayuki and I said as we entered. And when we entered we asked another guard if they knew where Raji was.
"Last time I saw him he was working. Follow me."
We followed him and saw Raji.
"Welcome back to Tanburan!" He said as he walked towards us.
"Thanks it's been a while, hasn't it?" Shirayuki said.
"Indeed it has. It's been 3 years. I see your hair has grown. It's still as pretty as it was 3 years ago." He said.
"No flirting with my woman." I said.
He laughed.
"Don't worry, Zen. I'm just complimenting her. Besides I'm married now and I love my wife." He smiled.
Damn even Raji got married? I really need to propose.
"Congrats Raji! Why did you not invite me to the wedding?" Shirayuki asked.
"My wife didn't want a big wedding. And she has a lot of siblings so she had invited them. I apologize for not even telling you that I have gotten married." He apologized.
"It's no problem. Well it was nice seeing you again. I'll try to visit more often. But Zen and I have to go." She said and waved.
"I'll visit you more often as well." I said and we left.
"So is there anything in particular you want to do?" I asked her.
"Not really." She answered.
"How about we make a visit to where you used to work?" I suggested.
"I don't know if it's still in business." She replied.
"Oh.. Hmm. Well let's try to visit it anyways. Lead the way."
"Okay!" When we arrived it was indeed out of business but someone had bought the building and made it into a restaurant. A top of the line restaurant.
"If you want we can eat there. I got the money." I told her.
"You don't have to."
"Don't worry about it."
"Then.. Let's go. I'll pay you back later."
"No Need. I'm treating you." I said.
"But I feel bad."
"Don't." I smiled.
"Then let's go."

Another time skip:
"That was good. Thanks Zen. I owe you." She smiled.
"Well you just paid me back."
"You smiled. And that alone is enough."
She blushed.
"Uh.. Well.. Umm.. Should we head back? It's getting dark." She asked still blushing.
"Yeah.." I said.
I'll propose to her in my own country.
When we arrived in Clarines.
"Shirayuki. Follow me." I led her to the roof.
"I remember the last time I was up here." She said as she sit down on the bench.
"Shirayuki." I called her name.
"Yes? Zen?"
"Remember when I promised you that I would someday properly tell you that I want you to stay by my side." 
"Yeah. What about it?" She asked.
"Shirayuki. I love you. I always have. I know my title wouldn't be able to protect you. But even so. I want you to continue to stay by my side." I bent down to one knee.
"Will you marry me?" I asked her.
"Of course Zen!" She hugged me.
"Thanks Shirayuki." I kissed her. She happily kissed back.
"I love you so much Zen."
"I love you too. Always have and always will." I smiled. She smiled back.

No One's Pov
About a month later they got married. Kiki and Mitsuhide couldn't attend the wedding due to their newborn baby. It didn't bother Zen and Shirayuki. They both understood. They both planned on starting a family but it wasn't until 2 years later that this plan actually came to reality.

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