Chapter eight

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The weekend went by fast. Or maybe that's because I stayed in bed most of the time. Yeah, when Caleb left I went back to sleep for eight hours then stayed in bed for two. I then did some reading, drawing, surfing the internet, watching YouTube and movies. Then went back to sleep for ten more hours and woke up to go to school. A normal day. But as I walk down the empty and worn down sidewalk to my bus stop, my heart starts racing in my chest, and the palms of my small hands begin to sweat uncontrollably.

How is this going to go? Will that disgusting boy touch me again? Or will he leave me alone? My mind wonders to the poosibilities of what could happen.

I keep on walking forward keeping my head down hiding my face with a curtain of dark hair, fiddling with the botom of my loose white sweater, not noticing the black shiny camaro pulling up on the side of the road beside me.

"Do you want a lift?" a voice shouts out to me. I swiftly lift my head up annoyed and stop walking to see Caleb sitting in the Camaro, leaving his arm casually out of the window.

"No." I snap picking up my pace and again leaving my head down. Of course I want a ride but not from him. What is he, stuipid? I nod my head to answer my own thoughts and stare at the cracks that show on the sidwalk. How many people have walked on this very tile of concrete? How many times have I walked one this sidewalk?

"Are you sure?" Caleb holers behind me still in his car. "Yup." I answer popping the 'p'. I hear his car door opening and shutting behind me and walk faster, quickening my pace. He yanks me by my shoulder back abruptly stopping me in my tracks.

"What do you want?" I screech wrenching my shoulder out of his grasp. He frowns at my question and rolls his eyes as if it's obvious. "To give you a ride to school." he states shoving his hands in his jean's poackets. Today he's wearing faded black jeans, a white shirt that slightly show his abs and a black leather jacket to complete the look. He also has his hair messy as if he didn't bother doing anything with it all, which he probably didn't, and looks sexy with it like that. If I might say.

I eye him up and down taking in his appearance. But am stopped when the sound of someone clearing their throat breaks my chain of thought. I look up at Caleb to see him wiggling his eyebrows at me micheviously. Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts that remain I ask him another question.

"Why would I want a ride with you?" I inquire folding my arms across my chest while tilting my head to the side raisnig an eyebrow. surly as my enemy he should know I hate him. Waiting for his answer I put all my weight on one hip and tap my foot against the smooth and fractured sidewalk. "Because I didn't think you'd want to go on the bus after what happened Friday."

I freeze unable to move anything. Why did he have to say mention friday? Whenever someone mentions friday's events I relive them. They just won't go.

The boys hands violating me. Pushing and tugging me down a road I can't go. His germs crawling on my skin. Still feeling the pressure and heat of gross hands sliding along my body. How could that happen? In public? On a school bus? And yet no one cared to stop, they just watched as if it was a showing a screen. The world can be so fucked up sometimes, and I feel like I'm the only one who's sees that here.

I stare at the ground and wipe away the lone tear on my cheek that escaped the rims of my eyes. Caleb seems to notice I'm upset because he tilts my face towards his gently, as if I was glass. I stare into his warm and gentle eyes getting lost under their haunting spell again.

"Please. I don't want you to go on that bus to see that little piece of shit again and the chance he might do something like that again to you. I know you don't either. So please, let me give you a ride to school." he pleades staring into my eyes as if they hold the key to a door that hasn't been opened for all eternity.  I look away from his determined eyes and stare at the ground at my feet, kicking a small pebble that rolls away, the dirt swying in the air not sure where to land, the grass that has found a way through peeking out of the fractures in the uneven concrete. The argument bouncing around inside my head.

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