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"Where are they Sarah," the woman in black demanded. She was pointing a gun at Sarah's head. Sarah glared at her once close friend.

"Leave my children alone," Sarah spat. "Don't you dare lay a finger on them."

"Or what," the woman chuckled. "You're strapped to a chair fighting for you're own life. What could you possibly do? Your powers have vanished. They were sucked out of both you and your husband when you had your precious little brats." To prove her point she shot Sarah in her right thigh.

Sarah let out a small cry but pulled herself together. She was a strong woman and would do anything to keep her children safe. "You think that will do anything? I will never tell you where my children are. You won't break me. You'll regret this Angela."

"I regret nothing." Angela was seeping with rage. She pulled Sarah's hair and pointed her gun at Sarah's neck. "Tell me where they are." Angela was only inches from Sarah's face.

"I'd rather die," Sarah whispered.

With a sinister smirk Angela replied. "That can be arranged. I'll just get it out of your husband." Angela began to pull the trigger when Sarah head butted her. Angela fell to the ground unconscious.

"You're not getting shit." Sarah threw her body back causing her to fall and break the fragile chair she was tied to. With the chair now in pieces, Sarah was able to wriggle out of her restraints. She needed to get to her kids before Angela and Mike (Angela's husband) got there first. She also needed to make sure her husband was still alive. He had been knocked out and dragged off by Mike to another room in the house. "Where are you Johnathan?" She stood there with her eyes closed and reached out with her mind.

"The basement," she heard  whisper through head. She smiled at the warm, familiar voice of her husband. He was alive.

"I'm coming for you," she reached out again.

"No. Get the children to safety and leave."

"You know I can't do that. I can't just leave you."

"Babe I'll be fine. I'll catch up with you."

"You promise," tears began streaming down Sarah's face as she asked.

"I promise. Now get the kids." There was a long pause before Johnathan spoke again. "I love you Sarah."

"I love you too Johnathan."

A gun went off in the basement causing Sarah to jump. She reached down and took Angela's gun. Then took off to the attic to find her children. Her wounded thigh slowed her down but she ignored the pain. Her children were all that mattered.

Sarah paused for a second at the sounds of foot steps behind her. She ducked quietly into the bathroom on her left, just before the stairs leading up to the kids' rooms. Thankfully the lights were all off throughout the house. Angela appeared from the darkness of the kitchen and stopped only feet away from the bathroom Sarah was hiding in. Angela peered up the stairs. That's when she and Sarah heard a soft footstep coming from the attic.

Sarah's heart filled with dread and Angela smiled. Just as Angela took her first steps up the stairs Sarah fired the gun at Angela's leg sending her face first to the floor. She looked up at Sarah and glared. "Why don't you just end it," she screamed.

"You know very well why I can't. I took a vow. And even though you put me and my family in danger I can't take your life." Sarah shot Angela's other leg. Angela cried out in pain.

"You're weak!"

"Valuing life is not weakness Angela."

"Sarah," Johnathan cried out running up behind her. "Are you ok?" He embraced his wife lovingly.

"I'm fine," Sarah answered.

"Where's Mike," Angela screamed.

Johnathan looked down at her with sad eyes. Then said, "he shot himself. He didn't want this so he took his life."

Horror filled Angela's eyes. "Liar! What have you done to him," she cried.

Johnathan shook his head. "I'm not lying." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a note. "He wanted me to give this to you." Johnathan placed the note next to Angela. Then turned to his wife. "Where are the kids?"

Sarah looked down at Angela who was reading the note in horror. Hatred filled Sarah and she kicked Angela square in the head, knocking her out once again. "They're in the attic," she told Johnathan.

The both of them ran up the stairs and were about to open the attic door when Angela appeared out of nowhere in front of them and punched Johnathan so hard he flew all the way back down the stairs. Before he could hit the floor though, Angela moved fast as lighting and caught him so as not to kill him. She still needed information. Angela quickly put the unconscious Johnathan on the floor and flew back upstairs with that lighting speed till she was face to face with Sarah again.

Sarah didn't even flinch. As Angela raised her fist, Sarah sent her flying with a kick to the neck. Sarah was curious as to how Angela gained such powers but didn't bother asking. She just needed to protect her kids. All questions could be brought up later.

Angela stood up and cracked her neck. Then she moved ten times faster than she had before, shocking Sarah. Before Sarah knew what was happening to her, her vision began to fade. Just before her world could turn black she heard Angela whisper to her. "You should have killed me. Now your children will suffer." Then nothingness.


Angela stood up and kicked softly at Sarah. She knew Sarah was still alive but wanted to make sure she was at least unconscious. Satisfied, Angela looked up at the attic door. She reached up and pulled on the string hanging from it. Then pulled the latter down. As she climbed the later, a cool breeze hit her face. She reached the top and looked around for the three children she had come to hate. They were nowhere in sight. The attic was completely empty. That's when she realized why the attic had been so cold. The window was open.

"Damn it," she yelled. "They got away. Those stupid little brats got away." Angela walked to the window and looked out to see if she could spot them before they could get too far. Hatred and anger boiled up inside her at the nothingness before her. She punched a hole in the wall and turned back toward the latter. As she climbed down she pulled out her phone and called headquarters. "The children got away."

"And what of Sarah and Johnathan," she heard on the other side.

"I have them now Sir. I'll bring them in for questioning."

"No. Go after the children. Mike can bring them in."

Angela swallowed the lump that formed in her throat at the mention of Mike's name. "Mike has been terminated."

"How could this happen? He was our best agent."

Angela looked down at the crumpled note in her hand. "It was self termination Sir."

Silence. Then, "very well. Bring Sarah and Johnathan in and then track the children. Be quick about it."

"Yes sir," Angela answered. She looked down at Sarah as she hung up. "They won't last long. Even if I can't find them, you can bet your life Jones will. Then they will die like they deserve."

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