Chapter 2

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••• The Dungeons •••

Sarah was freezing. It felt as if her lungs hardened into chunks of ice. She could hear Jonathan's screams off in the distance just as she knew he could hear hers when she got tortured. That in itself was torture enough for the both of them. Sarah almost broke several times hearing Johnathan begging for them to stop the pain.

She sat in the corner of her cell shivering and covering her ears. All she wanted was to be with her family again. She had constant nightmares of her children being put through the same torture as she. Them being cut open for no reason. Bones being broken because their tormentor enjoyed the sound of it. Being injected with strange chemicals. The burning sessions. Sarah wouldn't be able to bare it. She'd rather die than let anything happen to her kids.

Johnathan finally stopped screaming, but that only made Sarah's heart race. It meant they were coming for her now. She shrank as far back into her corner as she could. She buried her face in her hands and shook harder. The sound of her cell door opening made her jump a bit.

"Sarah," came a soft, broken voice.

She looked up to see her blood soaked husband staring back at her from the floor in front of the door. She rushed towards him but the guard standing behind him pulled out a whip and lashed her face. Sarah's vision became a bright white as she fell to the ground and her ears were ringing. She thought her head might pop. She could also hear muffled yells around her.

"Johnathan," she reached out with her mind.

"Yes," he answered back. "Babe, can you hear me?"

"Yes I can hear you. What's going on? I can't see."

"He hit your eyes my love. Are you ok? Will it heal?"

"Yes I believe so. Don't worry. I'll be ok. Just don't tell them about the kids. No matter what happens they have to be kept safe."

"My love." Johnathan paused.

"What is it? What's wrong," Sarah asked with panic. Johnathan didn't answer. The ringing in Sarah's ears stopped so she listened to find what was going on. Seconds later she felt Jonathan's arms wrap around her as he lifted her to his chest. He was kneeling down and let her rest on his lap.

"Johnathan," she whispered still blinded by the white light. She reached up and felt the tears running down his cheek. "What is it? Please tell me."

"Jones," he whispered back. "Jones is looking for them. And he thinks he's found them." He pulled her close. Sarah could feel his entire being start to shake.

"Ricky will take care of them," she soothed him with. "They are smart children. And we will see them again."

Just as Sarah finished her sentence, Johnathan was yanked from her grasp. They both cried out. Not wanting to be apart again. Sarah heard her cell door shut. Then she reached out with her mind again before they threw him in the room again. It blocked their telepathy.

"Johnathan," she cried in her head.

"Yes what is it?"

"I love you!"

"I love you too!"


"Forever," Johnathan answered. "And always."

Sarah relaxed some. They had said that to each other since the dark days. When they had gained their powers as children. It's what got them through each day of experimenting. Sarah knew she and Johnathan would make it out of there somehow.

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