Chapter 3

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••• The Dungeons •••

Sarah was dragged out of the torture room by her right hand. Her body was completely limp but she was still alive. Whoever was dragging her dropped her and she looked up in confusion. That's when she recognized the agonized screams of her husband.

It only confused her more. We're they torturing him in his own cell? They hadn't quite reached Jonathan's cell so she couldn't be sure. The guard that dropped her had ran ahead so Sarah crawled her way to Jonathan's cell door. Johnathan was covering his eyes with his hands and crying out. He looked as if he was going insane. He was walking around in circles.

Sarah reached with her mind to try to comfort her husband. "My love what's wrong? What happened?" He didn't answer. In fact he didn't seem to hear. It made Sarah panic. "Johnathan," she mentally screamed to him. He stopped screaming. Johnathan put his hands down and looked to his wife. Sarah saw fear drowning his bright blue eyes.

Johnathan fell to his knees and cried. "Sarah my love," she heard him whimper in her head.

"Yes Johnathan? What is it? What happened?"

"Angela found them." Sarah gasped. "She shot Ricky." Johnathan cried harder. "She killed him. Ricky is dead!"

Sarah was in complete shock. She could feel her heart break. That pain was far worse than all the pain she had just endured. And just like that she snapped. Insanity found it's way through her entire being. She let out a horrific scream causing Johnathan and the confused guard to jump.

Her screams almost caused the same for Johnathan. But Johnathan closed his ears. He couldn't bare the torture of hearing the heartbreak emanating from his wife. Johnathan watched as Sarah began thrashing around on the ground.

The guard lifted Sarah up and carried her to her cell. She tried hard to escape the guards clutches but she wasn't strong enough.

••• Ricky •••

Where was I? It was completely dark. There was absolutely no light. And I had almost no room to move. It was starting to freak me out. I felt like I was in a coffin. Panic. It was all I could feel rush through my body. I was sweating and my breaths became short, choppy gasps. I needed to calm down.

A sudden pain shot through my chest. It literally took my breath completely away for a second. I reached to the spot that hurt and found a decent sized hole where my heart is. What the hell was going on!? The pain intensified at my touch. The smell of my blood made me want to vomit. I needed to get out of here. To find a doctor or something.

But I also needed to get back to Lilith and Timmy. They were probably worried as hell. What happened to me? I had to try to remember. I sat quietly for moment to try and collect my thoughts. That's when I heard the muffled cry of my brother. Was he there too? And what about Lilith? I struggled some more to try and move around but the pain in my chest flared up and I almost blacked out.

I checked my chest and felt more blood poring from the hole. Then I heard Lilith say something. They were both here. What was I supposed to do? Any kind of movement sent my chest into a swirl of pain and misery. I needed to get out of here without bleeding to death.

How did I end up with this hole anyways? I can't remember what happened to make me end up here. And where exactly was here? Just as the thought left me it was as if the box I was in was thrown up and down very quickly. Realization hit hard. I was in the trunk of a car! I had been kidnapped!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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