Chapter 5

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I wanted to scream when Andy called himself my boyfriend. I never told him that! I want to date Ethan instead! I want to date Josh but I can't cuz we'll he has a girlfriend and Chey likes him. Whoops! I wasn't allowed to tell anyone Chey likes him! I'm so dead! Anyways! When Ethan kissed Sarah it broke me. Ethan as to speak to Sarah and Gordon. Before Sarah walked out I pulled her hair.
"How dare you!"
"JJ let go!" Tears ran down her face. I didn't care any more!
"You slut!" Max called out to JJ
"What!" I pulled Sarah hair more as I turned to face Max.
He pulled me off of Sarah's hair."You like three guys and kissed two of them! You kissed Josh! Then you kissed Andy! Ethan fell and kissed Sarah! He isn't you! He wouldn't kiss you then Kiss Sarah!"
Max screamed at me.
"I fell on Josh! I didn't mean to kiss him! I didn't mean to kiss Andy either! It just happened!" I snapped. Max made me mad.
Sarah walked outside to Gordon, Holding her head. My hands felt warmer then normal. I looked down to see blood! Sarah's blood!
"Oh. My. God. I hurt her! Her blood is on my hands!"
I heard some one fall the ground. First Josh! No Sarah! "Sarah! No!" Gordon screamed and Ethan past out. I forgot Blood freaks him out. "Damnit Ethan! Not you too! You can't be BAM" Gordon fell too!
"Come on Andy" Max said giving me a evil look. Max picked up Sarah in his arm like she is a princess. Andy got Ethan and Gordon. Gordon wasn't that heavy. Nor was Ethan. I felt bad still for making 3 people get check into the hospital also!

Will Josh ever wake up? Where did Chey and the others go? Are Sarah,Gordon and Ethan be ok?
Find out in type next Chapter!

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