Chapter 11

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(Music is for the prom!)
Josh's P.O.V
Jake and Savannah are going to prom together.
JJ and Ethan together.
Andy and my sister, Sammy.
Addy and Tyler are going together.
Vicki got a date, Noah showed up last minute.
Sarah and Gordon together.
Amy was going with Max.
Mark was sick so that's why.
Logan didn't have a date.
I was going to ask Chey.
"Hey Chey?" I knocked on her door and it opened. What I saw broke me. Chey and Logan were kissing. My voice was almost to a whisper. "C...Chey...!" Sarah stopped by the door and her jaw dropped!
" Chey! Why would you do that to...Wait! Chey didn't start that! Logan did! Josh! She's fighting look!" I looked to where Sarah was pointing. I saw Chey not kissing back. Thank God! I pulled Logan off and punched him.
"Stay off my girlfriend!"
Sarah told Logan's hood and threw him down stairs. He landed on the couch. I hope and prayed he broke his arm.
"You ok Chey?"
Chey was crying.
"I'm fine Josh. I'm sorry you saw that!"
I hugged her.
"You didn't do it Chey."
"GUYS GET READY FOR PROM ME ARE LEAVING IN 30 MINUTES WELL YOU ARENT GOING THEN CUZ YOU'LL BE LEFT BEHIND!" Sarah screamed up the stairs. Me and the other guys got dressed in one room. The girls in another room.
We left and we all looked very nice.
(I'll saw you what we look like after this)
We when and had a good time.

Sarah's P.O.V
I was having a good time with Gordon.
"I'll go get us some drinks Sarah." Gordon said well walking with Jake,Noah, Tyler,Ethan and Josh.
"Can I have a dance Sarah?" Max asked. He looked kinda nice.
"Sure." We dances. He tried kissing me and I pulled back.
"What the fuck Max! What are you doing!"
I said.
"You should be dating me not Gordon."
I punched him.
"What's going on!" Gordon, Josh,Chey,Tyler,Addy ,Jake,Savannah,Ethan,JJ, Vicki,Andy,Sammy,Logan and Noah.
"Max tried kissing me! He is on a date with Amy and he tried kissing me!"
Amy ran over and slapped me.
"Why would you hurt Max!"
"Bitch! He tried kissing me!"
I said punching her. Gordon, Josh,Tyler,Jake,Ethan,Andy,Logan and Noah were holding back Max and Amy.
Chey,JJ,Sammy,Vicki, Savannah and Addy had to hold me back for killing Max and Amy.

Here is a list of the damage done to everyone:

Chey-Hair got cut
Sarah(Me)-Broken Arm
Josh-Black eye
Tyler-Cut lip
Gordon-Broken bones in back
Ethan-Black eye
JJ-Bleeding from arm
Amy-In the hospital
Max-Got hit by a car running in the street
Addy-Dress Ruined
Savannah-Cuts and Bruises on Arms and Legs
Jake-Bruises and Black eye
Vicki -Missing Teeth
Andy-Clothes got ruined and bleeding
Sammy-Black eye,Bruises ,cuts and missing teeth
Logan-Missing teeth and black eye
Noah-cut lip and a black eye

We were going to be fine, after we healed anyways.

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