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The line rings off the hook.

"Please leave a message for–Unidentified..." chimes the automated voicemail.

Bringing up his contacts Steve dials a second number and calls again. This time he is answered with a hushed, "Hello?"

He sighs, happy to hear that sweet voice again. "Sharon."

"Steve, is that you?"

"It is."

"Where are you?"

"Somewhere. Hey, I need you to do some digging for me."

"More?" She chuckles.

"Bucky regained consciousness today, it seems he hadn't recovered everything that day of the incident."

"I'm sorry Steve."

"There was a word that he kept repeating and it appeared to physically pain him even to say them."

"What was it?" Steve listens as wheels roll against a smooth surface and the click of a mouse that is followed by several taps on a keypad trickle through the speaker. "I can start my search right now."

"The flame." is his response.

"The flame?"

"Yes. Just get me anything, anything you can find."

"I will. Browsing the archives now. I'll call you with the results later?"

"Sure thing, thank you agent." Steve says.

"No problem neighbour." chortles Sharon. Both can already envision the smiles they are donning and see themselves planting a chaste kiss on the lips of the other.

They hang up instantaneously.

Slipping his phone in a pocket Steve sighs as he again finds himself staring absentmindedly out the opaque glass that overlooks the green vista. It is comforting for him to know that even when scattered many members can still at least act like a team.

When he is approached by T'challa, Rogers once again gives his thanks but with it comes a farewell. The man has been standing steadfast for days now. He needs a break. He needs to go back to the place where it all began.

"Where will you be going?" asks the panther.

"Home." Steve answers, and so he does. His departure is for the purpose of freeing himself from worry, if only for a couple days.

How delightful it would be to have faith enough to put the soldier at ease. To sense that for once the horizon is clear and that there are no storms in sight. Unfortunately for him, a spark has found its fuel and smoke is brewing in the distance.

The captain is about to play with fire.

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