13. Avoid

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"Scarlet!" Yelled Callie. "Get up!" The smell of flames corrupted me. I bolted up. Callie was shaking me as I lied on the floor. "Callie?" I whimpered. She shouts my name again. Her eyes widen as I slowly start to get up. "We need to get out of here!" She screamed. "What's going o-" before I can finish my sentace she pulls me up.

A scorching pain runs down my leg. I wail in pain. Smoke arose around me. Callie tugged me along, her eyes desperately searching around the space. I searched around at the unfamilliar territory until I noticed the marble counter of my kitchen.

"FIRE!" Callie warns me. Something falls behund me, almost burning me from behind. I limp as Callie suppots me. "Where do we go?" I asked myself. How did things go from snow to fire. Cold to hot. "I can't carry you." She sighed. I looked at her puzzled unexpecting what was coming next. Without hesitation, she tossed me.
Tossed me right into the flames. She looked at me while I screamed. I felt a stabbing sensation all over my body. Burnt flesh overpowered the smell of charred wood. I reached my arm out. Pleading for help.

"Stab."someone hoarsly whispered.

"Enemies." They seethed.

"Friends." The howled.


Instead of Callie looking back at me, I stared back at a pair of brown eyes and black wavy hair. The splitting image, of me. "Lies." She spat. Her eyes glowered at me. My breath ragged. I'm still alive? She steps closer. I stay paralyzed while she reached for me. She slowly turned transparent.

Her mouth agap, a scream seemed to be logged in her throat. A toe curling scream. She morphed through me, my skin bursting into yellow and red flames which seemed to dance and taunt my horrified eyes. Smoke choked me as I looked forward and stared.

The bell rung.

I was snapped out of my trance as quickly as I had fallen into it. The words, "So close, yet so far. No meeting in the middle." Were etched into my note book. I came to class early so I could ask for a diffrent seating arrangment. If I wanted to avoid Blake, I need to not sit next to him everyday. Students started to flood into the classroom.

I slouched and covered my head with my black hoodie. From the many student I see Blake sit down, Callie at the seat behind him. Blake looked around confused. Our techer started class. Our job was to jot down notes while she presents the next lesson. The period went by quickly, I jot down noted, sketched, and drew as the teacher continued to babble. I went through most of my day avoiding Blake, but of course lunch had to come around.

I entered the cafeteria cautiously. I fidgeted with my backpack as I headed toward the vending machine. I planned on grabbing a snack and heading out to the front yards and hide.

I waited for my ChexMix to fall down the machine while I listened to "Call Me Home". Suddenly someone turns me around and pulls out my head phones. "Oh, Blake uh." I stammered. "How come you weren't at your classes?" He seemed frustrated. "I was." I mumbled. "How come I didn't see you?" He frowned. I hesitated. "I guess you weren't looking." I joked. He rolls his eyes. 

"We sit together."

My lips form an 'o'. "I just don't sit next to you anymore." I chuckle hesitantly.
"What?" He asked, concern carved into his features. "I actually sit somewhere else." I say biting my lip nervously.


"A slip up in the seating arrangements." I shrugged. "We can talk to them." Blake suggested. "It's ok Blake, we can still hang out after school and during lunch." I give him a reassuring smile.
"Promise?" He held out his pinky. Wrapping my pinkie around his I whispered, "Promise". Which brought a smile to his face. That would be the first promise I would have to break.
"Lets go eat lunch." He pulls my arm forward. A playful smile still on his face. "I-uh actually have to go." My voice trailed off. "Project." I told him with a weak smile. "Ok, well see you later." He tells me.

His words crushed my heart.
"Sure he will." The voice inside my head mocked. I waved goodbye. Grabbing my Chex Mix, I turned away reluctantly. And that would be the last time I would speak to him in what would feel like forever.

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Sorry this was a short chapter, just a filler. Now heres a random question, what's your favorite item to get from the vending machine?

THXS LOVE YAL, xXStarGuidersXx

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