22. Pranks

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As i stepped out of Ari's car and into the mall pavement entrance. Anxiety started to catch up with me. What if I messed something up? What if I end up tripping? I always mess up, so what makes now any different? Thomas sent me a reassuring look as if reading my mind. I felt Ari squeeze my hand slightly, a smile tugging at her full pink lips. 

But Danny, being the unsettled person he was began shouting, "It's ok Scar, We do this a lot! CAROL WILL BITE THE DUST!" His words and motivational "Punching of the air" earned him a smack in the back of the head by Thomas. Blake left earlier than us to prepare some traps and to keep track of the group while we tagged along to activate these so called sabotage assessments.  I couldn't help but feel like a super spy while I did these things. 

It just got my blood boiling, far from my comfort zone. And maybe in the end I can stick my tongue at her, oh damn so evil. 

I rushed along with the group as we made our way to Victoria secret where the girls where supposedly last seen. We snuck into the store where we saw the girls and Jake all sitting down waiting for someone. I realized that Kimmy, Callie, and Keko where missing. I was surprised that Jake wasn't. He stuck along even when his girlfriends cheated on him. 

"Who's the red head."  Asked Thomas whistle licking his lips. He earned a punch in the arm by Ari as I looked at him surprised. "Sorry my brothers a thirsty ass fibble." Now it was her turn to earn the mysterious glances. "Ass fibble?" I asked, an eyebrow raised. She only shrugged. We all stared forward until we saw Blake hiding behind a rack. He motioned us forward.  

"So whats the plan?" I asked when we finally reached him. He uncovered a bucket with an odd substance in it. "Is that foam?" Asked Ari. "NO! It's yogurt." Pipped Danny. "It's soap." Thomas called out. 

"Is that pudding?" I asked as I watched a sludge of tapioca pudding slide down the side of the bucket.

"It's all of it." Blake said staring at his creation in awe. "Plus some marshmallows and smoothies."  Where did he get all of this? I could see from the corner of my eyes, Danny licking his lips at the mention of marshmallows. How is that boy so fit? "So we dump it on them?" I asked. "Close but no. Only one of them. We pick them off one by one." Blake grinned. "Maybe not all of them I mean-" Riley and Jake weren't mean. "But whats the fun in only one prank?" Asked Thomas. 

"My mother always said, Go big or go home and cower on the couch and listen to Pitbull while drowning your sorrows in whiskey." Danny said proudly. We all gave him a sad look which he shrugged off. "There! The one with the pink hair is going into the dressing room!" Pointed out Ari. 

We all turned to see Keko in fact entering the dressing room. "We need a distraction, then two of us can go behind the dressing room and pour the bucket." Blake pitched in. Before you could say Hufflepuff, Danny stood up and began heading towards the group.

 Blake handed me and Ari the bucket. "GO." He motioned toward the 2nd dressing room. We hourly dragged the bucket, avoiding customers and workers. I feel bad for the janitor already. 

We used a step stool and held a bucket over the dressing room. I could faintly hear Danny talking about cars to the group. "So if you don't pay up. We tow the car now-" I heard him say. I felt myself growing anxious, wanting to back out. This was stupid. But I looked over at Ari and saw the determination in her eyes. 

"One." She mouthed. 


"Three!" She shouted and we poured the contents onto Keko, hearing a shriek from inside the stall. We made a run for it and tossed the bucket once we reached outside of the store. Once we where outside Thomas burst into laughter. I sent a hesitant chuckle and Ari joined her brother in a fit of laughter. Blake looked at me with uncertainty, obviously realizing my discomfort.  

"What's wrong?" He asked, concern filling his voice. "It just didn't feel right." I murmured. The laughing stop as they looked at me with confused expressions. "But she deserved that. She's a bully." Ari whined. "Plus it was fun." Thomas shrugged. Blake nudged me with his shoulder. "We don't have to do the rest if you don't want to." His voice was hushed. 

I didn't find an of this, "Fun". Only childish. Besides I felt like prank just wasn't the way to go with things. I peeked inside the store to see an angry Keko stomp out of the dressing room. The girls stared at her, shocked as Jake burst into laughter. All the way from here I hear his shout, "You deserve that for cheating on me babe." He chuckled as he walked away with his hands in his pockets. 

Not after he took a picture of course. Now this made me smile. He got, justice in a way. What just happened settled in. I just dumped a bucket of Blake's mysterious mixture on Keko's head. I felt...Thrilled. 

"No. No let's continue." I urged. He sent me a grim smile, not believing I was okay with this but honestly? This was the most fun I had in years. I've never really went on a pranking spree none-the-less planned one out so this, this could get interesting. "Now to the parking lots." Blake told us. We walked against the brick area. We twisted corners and past upcoming shops. 

Shoppers crowded the mall as we continued to walk. I felt a smile growing on  my face, almost as if I anticipated and needed the excitement that came from these small pranks. 

"So I didn't pull too many big drastic pranks but i still prefer we aren't caught because like they say it add more thrill to the rollercoaster." He shrugged before leading us to the parking lot. "Who says that?" I asked Ari who looked just as confused as me. 

"I don't know, all boys confuse me."

I couldn't help but agree with her. A lot are very bi-polar. I mean just think about that Jason guy, Mabel's boyfriend. Why was he shooting a gun?  Maybe I should ask him, but he seems a bit... unstable. But then in my eyes, what boy isn't. I sighed as we trudged through lines of cars. We spotted Callie's car. "Why are we here?" I asked uncertainly.

He went beside the car and you could see a black duffel bag in his hands. "No way." Thomas beamed. "Haven't done something as small as this in a while." Ari admitted as she grabbed a paint can from the duffle bag.

"Small? These people are loco chica!" The voice in my head proclaimed. 

 " We aren't going to be doing, what I think we are doing. Are we?" I asked Blake who was grinning playfully. 

"Well, what do you say my violent little bunny, want to give this car a new paint job?" 

I've never vandalized anything before, in fact I'm usually the one who would volunteer to help clean up the messed rebellious students would scrawl on the walls of the school. I've never been the one to cause them. "I don't know about this." I confused tautly.

 Danny groaned from beside me. "You need to let loose a little Scar." He said. 

That nickname felt so foreign to my ears. Almost as if he wasn't talking to me. But he was, maybe he was right. It was time for some sort of change in my life. And with that thought I pleasingly caught the black spray paint can that Blake tossed my way. 

I gripped the can as it fit in my hand, almost like it was meant to be there.  


Hi! Bloop Bloop! So I've been thinking, should I set goals for each chapter? *sigh* well I shall continue drowning myself in music. Buh-Bye! Until Later meh beautiful army,

General Evie Out!

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