Chapter one

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Night time is my favorite time of the day. To be more specific four in the morning is my favorite time of the day. I like to go to the park most nights and just sit there, all by myself. It's peaceful, quiet and it's dark. Nobody ever comes to the park at four in the morning, I mean the only person crazy enough to come is me. Actually every once in a while, my best friend Michael will join me. He hates that I'm out here all by myself. I didn't mind the company. It got quite lonely by myself, but if it were anyone else, I would have told them to kick rocks.

Michael is mine and my brother Ashton's best friend. Michael and I are both twenty years old, and even though Ashton is two years older than both of us, he and Michael still became best friends. I guess after spending so much time with him, eventually Michael grows on you.

"Kenzie." I heard him sigh from behind me. I turned and saw him staring at me with a disappointed look.

After I was born, mine and Ashton's dad left. He had named me MaKenzie and mom couldn't stand the fact that my name always reminded her of him. So she started calling me Kenzie. After a while, I didn't even know that Makenzie was my real name. Mom eventually told me about dad, and I hated what happened. Its always bothered me that someone could just up and leave without looking back, knowing that you have two children who were depending on you.

Everybody calls me Kenzie now, everybody except for Ashton. He insists on calling me Makenzie and I guess it's okay, since it's Ashton. We don't have a regular brother/sister relationship, its more of a friendship. We don't fight like brother and sisters usually do. We fight like best friends do. 

When I was younger I had blonde hair, and hazel eyes. At the beginning of high school I changed my hair to different colors, mostly bright red and my eyes shifted to a light green for some odd reason.

My mom eventually remarried and had two more kids, my sister Lauren and my brother Harry. Ashton and I don't even think about them having a different dad than us, their dad raised us too.

"Don't give me that look." I stated.

"What look?"

"The one where you slightly raise your eyebrows, and your nostrils flair, with your upper lip kind of raised in a judgy way." I said while trying to make the face.

"You just made that up." He pointed at me and laughed.

"Yeah I did." I sighed.

"You haven't told Ashton that you come out here, have you?" And just like that, the conversation takes a turn for the worst. Michael is pretty protective over me. But what's bad about that situation is that him and Ashton are so close. Close enough so that I can't keep any secrets from Ashton because Michael will tell him immediately.

"He doesn't have to know." as protective as Michael is, Ashton takes it to the next level. Its a nightmare. I don't tell him about me coming out to the park at night mostly because I think he'll try to stop me. This park isn't really in the safest neighborhood, so I'm guessing he wouldn't be okay with it. He's like a super dad on steroids.

After Ashton graduated highschool he moved out and got his own apartment. So after I graduated, I didn't want to live with our mom and my little brother and sister anymore , so Ashton insisted that I move in with him. We've always been really close to each other, because of how close we are in age, so he was extremely happy that I actually agreed to move in with him.

"I don't like you being out here. At all, Kenzie." I sighed and shook my head at Michael. He's told me that so many times, I've lost count.

"Mikey, please don't start this again." I begged him. Some nights when Michael comes out here, this is all he ever talks about. Like one day its gonna make a difference whether or not he tells me he doesn't like this. If it hasn't changed my mind yet, its not gonna.

Don't Let Go | m.cOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant