Chapter Three

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Its been a week since Ashton and I left Michael in the mall. He hasn't called or texted me or Ashton and I haven't tried to contact him. At first I was pissed but now I'm pretty hurt. I thought that he would come to his senses and call me. We've been best friends since forever and he's just throwing it all away for a stupid girl. I know that the reason he's throwing it all away is mostly my fault but I'm his best friend he should trust me when I say I don't like his girlfriend.

Ashton was right though. Michael and I use to say that we'd get married and be together forever, but we were kids and its obvious now that he hasn't thought about any of that. Its obvious that he never meant it either. If he meant it then he wouldn't have chose her.

Sierra use to tell me she'd make my life hell, and that she'd take everything from me. Its pretty clear that she's done that now and I can't do anything about it. My best friend is gone and Sierra got what she wanted. When Michael and Sierra started dating , I seriously did not agree to it at all. Ashton kept telling me that if Michael was happy then I should let it happen. So I did that. And I hoped and prayed that Sierra would screw up somehow and Michael would come to his senses but its been like a year and nothing has changed except our relationship. Their relationship was suppose to blow up in her face, not mine.

"You have to get out of bed Makenzie." Ashton said, pulling the sheets off of my bed. The cold air hit my body and I immediately sat up. I glared at Ashton as he smiled at me. Let me just say that I am not a morning person and Ashton is, which always ticks me off. But since I'm not in the best mood it makes it worse.

"Wipe that smile off of your face. Its too early." I groaned.

"Its two in the afternoon Makenzie."

"Yeah that's too early for me." We both laughed. Unfortunately for me, Ashton knows how to make somethings a little better. After a minute of silence from both Ashton and myself, he broke it.

"You didn't go to the park last night." He said. He walked over to one of the walls in my room.

One whole wall has pictures of us over the years. Pictures of Ashton, Michael, my mom and my siblings. Each picture was different from the last. Most of the pictures were of michael. I liked to take them when he wasn't looking, thats when he looked best.

"You know about that?"I whispered. I actually haven't been going since what happened at the mall. Usually I would go just to be by myself but then Michael started coming to and I got use to him being there. So I just didn't go because I knew that he wasn't going to be there.

"You're not that sneaky." He laughed. "Why didn't you go?" He pulled a picture of Michael off of the wall.
I knew that it was a picture of Michael because it was actually one of my favorite and I knew where the picture was taped on the wall.  It was last Christmas and Michael was wearing a Santa hat and holding up a peace sign.

That day we went to the Christmas fair and he won me a reindeer and Michael carried it around the whole time. After that day I haven't seen the reindeer since, and I'm pretty sure Michael took it home. He was attached to it the whole night so I wouldn't put it passed him.

"I just didn't feel like it." I lied.

"I don't smell cigarettes on you either." He added.


"Is it because of Michael?" I ignored him. "Kenz I understand-"

"No you don't understand Ashton. I lost Michael. I lost my bestfriend. I lost him because of Sierra. That's literally the worst thing that could have happened." I cut him off.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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