The Fox and The Land God

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How it all began:

I was in the Land Over Yonder when it began, I was just sitting in a tree, minding my own business, when suddenly I hear a scream, I snickered, wondering what what the local Yokai were doing this time.

I ran towards the sound of multiple screams, I jump from tree to tree until I finally reach the scene. That's when I saw the most bizzar thing, a human...

'what is one of those doing here' I thought to myself, but wait... This human had an unusual smell, huh..? That mark on her head, oh G0od. She's a... Land god?!

Seeing this with my own eyes! I was that shocked that I fell out of the tree right in front of her. Her light brown eyes were focused on my purple orbed eyes, and then, 'hello, I'm Nanami, whats your name?' she said so softly, my eyes widened, I didn't understand, she didn't run away, why didn't she run? There was no fear in her.

She then stood up and looked at me, my surprise grew stronger when she said 'Thank you for saving me.' I hadn't even noticed that the Yokai chasing her had run away scared of me. I snickered at the human, and I just turned away and started walking. She then shouted 'Wait!' I turned my head slightly, 'At least tell me your name!'. I stayed silent, I snickered once more, before disappearing into the darkness.


Nanami's POV

That girl.. She kind of reminded me of... 'NANAMI!!'. I snapped out of my thoughts due to the voice of my familiar, the fox Yokai, Tomoe. 'I'm here Tomoe!' I shouted loud enough for him to hear me. 

He found me and began shouting at me, calling me stupid and an idiot for walking away from him, all I could do was apologise, he's so bitter with his harsh and harmful words. That's when Tomoe gave up and suggested that we go back home to our shrine. I never mentioned about the mysterious girl of which I had just encountered as I just know he would over react.

But we had no idea that the mysterious girl was watching us from the dark shadows of the trees.


Hakurus POV

'Hmm.. interesting' I thought to myself as I saw the human girl walk away with the Yokai Tomoe. It's strange, I remember Tomoe, we grew up together, we were best friends until we were 10, that's when I had to leave the forest due to family issues.

We never saw  each other after that day. He won't remember me now though, or the reason I left, nobody remembers me for how I once was, they all know me just for what I am now, a monster, and to be honest, I prefer it that way.

Nobody ever tries to pick a fight with me, or try to boss me around, I am completely free to do what I please.

I am a Wolf Yokai, and also the God of nature. Two types of body and soul which are very difficult to maintain. I eventually grew tired of trying to befriend people and have them become my familiar until I don't need them anymore, so I decided to stop with that and turn off my emotions, now I don't care about how people think of me, and I can kill for fun now and not feel bad about it.

For example, when I first turned off my emotions, I went on a killing spree and killed everyone in my village, including my own parents, but they deserved everything they got.

But this girl was very strange, hmm.. Interesting.


Hey guys, anonymous wolf here, this is my first time writing so i do apologise, so please, comment and voteeeeeeee, bye my little wolf pups!

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