I'm a..What?!

16 1 6

He was the first to pounce, his claws outstretched ready to scratch me. I let a small smirk grace my features as I swiftly dodged his attack, stretching my leg out and my shin making impact with his side, making him stumble a little. I smirked as I stepped back, examining my nails as if I was bored- when in reality, I was just getting started. "You seem to have lost your edge, old friend." I said mockingly, my eyes filled with amusement as they flickered to his angry face, and boy did he look mad.

He let out a growl as he pounced at me, faking a left and sending a harsh blow to my right side- almost winding me. I coughed a little and stumbled back to give us a bit of space, my eyes narrowing dangerously- wrong move, buddy.

I let out a growl of my own, it seeming to be more wild and vicious. He had messed with the wrong wolf. I was about to launch myself at Tomoe when a small, fragile body ran between us- Tomoe's eyes widening slightly.

"No! Please, stop." A soft voice yelled, me only now realising that it was Tomoe's 'Master' as one would call her, Nanami,  "Please, no more fighting... I don't want neither of you getting hurt..."  I froze. She was actually concerned for my well being... Why?

"Excuse me... You've only now seen me for the second time in your life, and you've already fallen for me? Well... Sorry to burst your bubble or anything, but I don't swing that way..." I said jokingly, a playful smirk tugging at my lips as I glanced from the floor, back to them. They were not amused. I laughed, I guess a joke or two isn't for everyone.

Tomoe rolled his eyes as I began laughing at their serious faces and replied, "This isn't the time for jokes, Hakaru." I pouted, my tail wagging behind me as I resisted the urge to laugh at his dangerous look that he held in his eyes. Gosh, doesn't he ever smile?

Nanami sighed, putting down her arms that had been raised in a weak attempt to stop our violent actions, "Tomoe, calm down... She was just trying to lighten the mood." She said, the end part being quite doubtful when she noticed my raised eyebrow. Tomoe folded his arms across his chest, turning away- much like a child would when one is angry or being stubborn- it made me chuckle a little bit.

Nanami turned to me after rolling her eyes at Tomoe's behaviour, her posture made me raise an eyebrow. Tense muscles, eyes that never met mine... Something was going on. I soon had my answer when she said, "I wanted to bring you back to the shrine, back to my home..." I immediately denied, shaking my head as if my hair was on fire.

"Nope... No, not happening. I am staying right here." I said, crossing my arms with narrowed eyes. "Please...? We mean no trouble." She replied, her eyes holding some hope. Well, too bad, not everything she wants she gets.

I shook my head again, seeing her sigh, "Then you leave me no choice..." She said, her head cast downwards as her hair hid her eyes. She sent a slight nod to Tomoe as she turned and walked past him, making me back up slightly- although I was not retreating, of course not, just being cautious.

Tomoe sent a smirk of his own over at me, his eyes filled with determination and in the blink of an eye- he was gone. I tensed, all of my senses becoming alert. Where did that damned fox go?

I stood still, my eyes darting around for any sort of movement. It wasn't until a warm breeze upon the back of my neck- alerting me of his whereabouts- told me that he was behind me, my tail stood upright.

"Night, night Wolfie." Were his last words, before a sharp pain came from the back of my head, sending me falling towards the ground.

The last thing I saw before my whole world turned black, was Tomoe walking in front of me, slipping on his sandal that he must have used to knock me out with... 

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