Chapter 13

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Nora's P.O.V

Today was the day. The day I become Luna as well as Jem the Alpha. I have never really been the leader of anything, but I know my parents and brother are very proud of what I have come today. The ceremony will be tonight. They told me I have to wear a red dress with black lace over it and my hair needs to be down.

Jem needs to wear a black suit with a red shirt underneath. They said it would be better if the ceremony represents us. The black represents caring, protectiveness, and leadership. While the red represents love, freedom, and family. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I look over to the clock be my dresser. It read four o'clock. In about an hour or so I will have to get ready. One of the girls at the pack house will be helping me. We started talking a while ago and we ended up becoming friends right away.

She is the first friend I had in so long besides Jem and Will. I went back to reading my book for the remainder of the time. Once the clock struck five, Arora flew into the room. Obviously she didn't actually fly but still it seemed like she did. I sigh and set my book down.

"Nora get your ass out of the bed and take a shower." Arora states with her hands on her hips, but she is smiling so I know she means no harm. I sigh once more before heading into my bathroom and starting the shower before going in. The hot water felt good on my skin, calming my already tense muscles. Once I was done, I hopped out and rapped a white fluffy towel around me.

I walk back out of the bathroom into the room, seeing Arora set up the make up station. My dress already out and hanging up. I also notice that all the mirrors are gone besides the one in the bathroom.

"Why are all the mirrors gone?" I decided to ask.

"So you can't see yourself, duh." She said in an obvious tone. I don't understand that whole thing. Like why am I not allowed to see what I look like.


"Because it is tradition that the future Luna is not allowed to see what she looks like until the night is over." Ugh. This is going to suck. What if she makes me look like a clown? Or worse. Not me!?!

"Okay. I trust you." We made small talk the whole time she was doing my hair. Since my hair is black and went with the theme well, all she had to do was curl it so it was in waves. That took her about over an hour or so to do that. Next was the make up. She wanted to do a smokey eye with bright red lipstick. So she did. I have no say in this, but I don't mind. Okay maybe I do but still, I bet I look great.

"Aha. Finished." She smiled at her work. "Now all we need to do is get your beautiful ass in that dress."

I sigh once again and head over to the dress. What is up with me and sighing. I carefully took the dress down and set it down on the bed. I put on some underwear and a strapless bra before having Arora help me into the dress. After it was laced up and everything, Arora had me slip in some black stilettos.

I ran my hands down the dress feeling the softness of it. I smiled at the thought of becoming Luna. I'm still nervous but more happy about it.

"It's time." I turn and look at Arora and nod at her. "You'll be fine trust me."

"I know. I'm just nervous that's all."

"Okay." She stuck out her arm and I gladly looped my arm with hers. She opened the door and led me down stairs and out the door. It is completely dark out. The only lights is the white and red lights hanging everywhere so people can see. Once we reached the first tree that has a white light on it, Arora stopped.

"This is as far as I can go." I nod and she gives me a quick hug before heading somewhere in the woods.

I sigh once again wiping my hands on the dress.

"Here goes nothing." I mutter to myself. I start forward following the path ahead of me. It seemed as time was slowing down at this moment. I was just coming to the end of the path, when I saw that everyone was sitting in a circle. In the center of the circle was Jem. Looking extremely hot. There was a small path leading up to where he was standing. I walked up it slowly.

"You look beautiful." Jem said once I reached the spot next to him.

"You're not so bad looking yourself." He took my hands in his.

"From this day forward you'll be mine to me and mine. Pack and only lover for the rest of my life."

"Yours to you, mine to me. You will be my only lover for the rest of my life." I responded to him.

For the next part we have to exchange blood. So Jem grabbed two cups and I knife.

"My blood for your blood." He says as he cuts open his hand and lets the blood drip into the cup. Once done he hands me the knife.

"My blood for your blood." I repeat and do the same thing. When done we switch cups.

"To the day we die." We both say before drinking the blood. Right away I feel the pack magic and mine go through me. I hear a couple of gasp from the crowd telling me that they felt the power to. The power surge was gone as soon as it came. Now it's time for the other half of the process. The mating.

Jem grabs my hand and leads me down the path once again. Everyone stays seated on the ground until we are in the house. Jem leads us into our bedroom before closing and locking the door.

"It's okay. No need to be scared." Jem softly says.

"I'm not scared just nervous." I say just as softly. I look up at him and see only love and lust in his eyes. He reaches out and caresses my cheek. I automatically lean into his touch. He leans down and kisses me softly. I return the kiss doing the same. His other arms slips to my waist bringing me closer to him.

Deepening the kiss Jem slips his tongue in my mouth. I give a slight moan but I know he heard because he smiled against my lips.

This is going to be one night. 


Dress is to the side.

I am so sorry it took forever to update. I hope you like though.

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